
Revenge Just Utterly Kicks Ass

just woke up a few minutes ago..banged my goddamned elbow against the dresser, than again on the fucking bathroom door..-__- ::feels like utter shit::

anyways lately nothing much has been going on. Jose finally left the day before yesterday..he was here for too fucking long. and speaking of the asshole..he sure has been going on a losing streak...first his really old and expensive car got destroyed, completely unfixable...then his grandma dies...he loses his job..his dad is in the hospital dying with cancer and he had to leave to home early cuz his apartment caught on fire and most of his expensive stuff is probably gone...its so sad that this is happening to him but what can i say..bad things usually happen to those that i really don't like. i'm sick of him treating me and Brian like shit...its time he learned his lesson and apparently he hasn't yet so i am truly NOT going to pity him when he finally cracks...arg..nothing else is going on...just talked to Katie!! ^_^ yah! another friend from the past contacted me!! yeah its a miracle..i am happy. other than all this good news..my momma said that my cat Corey will be fixed soon so i can bring him over here so i can finally take care of him..he's gotten a little better..some of his fur is finally growing back, still has problems with flees though..i miss that little retard. alls i can say..once he's over here..if Jose has a problem with another cat being in the house, then tough shit. oh and most importantly if he even as so much make eye contact with my cat...he will regret it. as you can tell i am overly protected of my kitty..hey i love that little guy..he's been my buddy since i helped his mom give birth. and since i knew that my very first cat Fuzz Beau was dying of old age, i had to keep him. Corey has the same colors and almost the same markings as Fuzz Beau did so he was mine..and i hope it stays that way for another ten years at least..think ill go to momma's house to visit the retard..i love that cute little felion!!

9:22 p.m. - Tuesday, January 4, 2005


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