
Continuation of the Story That Has No Name

aaaaaaahhhhhhhh ^________^ i feel really good....for the first time in a long time i had 12 straight hours of sleep ^___________________^ happiness.....................anyways...to get back to what i came here to do....

a shit load of centuries dwindle by, Hoshi walks Chikyuu-sei as a immortal and the only one powerful enough to stand daylight. throughout the centuries Hoshi ventures around the world, killing off all the vampires she comes across, but unable to get a hold of Janome and his Keima. by the time its modern times, she has been by almost every inch of the world searching for Janome...and this is where most of the story really happens...


Name: Kenji Banshou
Special Abilities: martial artist, kyuudou, etc.
Born: June 19, 1985 A.D.
Gender: Male
Sign: Gemini
Relations: descendant of Hoshi, boyfriend of Megumi
Personality: usually happy go lucky but always finds himself in trouble, loves school related stuff, aiming to be a doctor
Pet Peeve: can�t really stand Megumi pestering him about academic stuff, doesn't like sitting and doing work for long periods of time

Name: Megumi Kazato
Special Ability: the power of making men (mostly Kenji) do what she wants them to do
Born: February 8, 1986 A.D.
Gender: Female
Sign: Aquarius
Relations: girlfriend of Kenji
Personality: sometimes nice, hates anyone that is female that get too close with Kenji
Pet Peeve: constantly harasses Kenji about being something greater than a doctor

Name: Hitomi Miyamuri
Special Ability: power to waste money in a matter of minutes
Born: August 21, 1986 A.D.
Gender: Female
Sign: Leo
Relations: best friend of Megumi
Personality: always nice, hyper, greatest love is shopping
Pet Peeve: tries to save money for something important but always wastes it on clothes

Name: Takeshi Nogami
Special Ability: power to annoy the shit out of someone, martial arts, etc.
Born: December 12, 1984 A.D.
Gender: Male
Sign: Sagittarius
Relations: childhood friend of Kenji
Personality: loves to fight, thinks he's the lady's man, i guess you can say he's the rebel, hates all types of school work
Pet Peeve: he's the smartest of the group, wants to do something academic with his life, has crush on Hitomi and won�t do anything about it cuz he�s SCARED!!!!! LOL ^__^

Name: Masashi Yonekura
Special Ability: martial arts, kyuudou, etc.
Born: October 23, 1985 A.D.
Gender: Male
Sign: Scorpio
Relations: childhood friend of Kenji
Personality: sometimes the quiet type, fairly smart, always meditating cuz he's having strange dreams
Pet Peeve: sometimes edgy and paranoid

a man by the name of Kenji, just about to turn 20, is finally getting back on track with school. one night him, his girlfriend and his friends decide to go out to dinner and movies and end up being attacked.

meanwhile, Hoshi decides to take a break for a bit by going back to her country and to visit the four guardians. before she gets to Magome she makes a pit stop in Tokyo cuz she senses something very bad lurking around there. she ends up saving five teenagers against a gang of *immature vampires (*by means of not even 100 years old). after the vampires are dead, Hoshi finds out that the man, Kenji has been bitten so she takes him away to his place. (Kenji's friends are yelling in protest and running after them, Megumi is in a full rage, seeing that a woman just carried her man away.) once after the bleeding stops, Kenji out cold, Hoshi touches his forehead and she has flashes of Kenji's life and founds out that she is his ancestor. Kenji wakes up and she tells him everything about Janome-sama and that he has been bitten by a vampire.

Kenji tells Hoshi that for the past few years he�s been attacked more than once. Apparently Janome wants to make Kenji into one of his Keima since Hoshi has been declining so damn much. So Hoshi somewhat moves in with Kenji to protect her only living relative. The others don�t know about Hoshi�s past so they just think that the two of them are related. Megumi finds out that Hoshi is living with Kenji she freaks out and protests even though everybody tells her that Hoshi is just a distant relative. It goes on from there on like that for awhile�.Hoshi making sure that she�s with Kenji at all times outside his apartment, dealing with Megumi�s threats and rants, Takeshi�s constantly asking her out and hitting on her, Hitomi dressing her up all the time�the only other one that doesn�t give Hoshi a hard time besides of Kenji, is Masashi. The two of them get along fine and always spar from time to time. (since Hoshi is immortal she wins all the time ^__^)

One night, while Kenji and his friends were having a party to celebrate Kenji�s birthday, Hoshi was alone on the roof of the apartment building, staring up at the stars, lost in thought, humming to the music from the locket that Mikiri made for her all those centuries ago. Later Masashi walks in on her, he walks over to her sleeping but the locket was still open and still playing the music. For a minute he felt like that he knew that song from somewhere and that he�d known Hoshi all his life. But the feelings went away and he picked Hoshi up and brought her back downstairs to the apartment.

To make the rest short, she gets a urgent message from the four guardians. She has to return to Magome immediately cuz the Keima were attacking. She tells Kenji�s friends why she has to go and to tell Kenji that she might not return. After finally killing Genshou and Tenjiro, she makes it to Janome�s place. There she kills Niouriki and since him and Janome are related this angers Janome just a tad bit and so the last battle begins!! Of course Hoshi wins by killing off both of themselves and all the vampires around the world are returned as mortals.

Shingan and Shinki, who are now free, visit Kenji telling him of Hoshi�s death. Him and his friends grieve..yes even Megumi, that bitch. Nobody suffers this as much as Masashi does. Shinki gives him the locket to keep as a reminder of Hoshi, for he is the reincarnated soul of Mikiri. (what was your first clue?) Before she had to leave for Magome, he and Hoshi have gotten closer to each, almost close enough to be a couple. A year passes by, Kenji is a doctor and Megumi has stopped pestering him about being something greater. Hitomi and Takeshi are together, she a clothes designer and he a teacher. Masashi merely works at a temple, keeping the locket around his neck, making sure that it never gets out of his sight. Shingan and Shinki are growing accustomed to being human again and are enjoying life.

One day Kenji and everyone else decides to visit poor Masashi since he is still grieving over the death of Hoshi. He tells them that he�s doing fine for a change and barely even thinks of her (LIER!!! ^__^). Out of nowhere a woman walks up to Masashi and taps him on the shoulder. Of course its Hoshi. Enma-Diaou decided to send her back to Chikyuu-sei to live the rest of her life that she did have all those centuries ago. Obviously she and Masashi are once again reunited and get married. and everyone is happy. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it�s a pretty good story if you ask me�yes I know it definitely needs some work. BITE ME IM WORKING ON THAT!!!!!!!!!!! Now its time to rest and watch some retarded ass movie with Brian....ooooohhhhhhhhhhh its got a munky in it!!!!!!!......::raises eyebrow::..and its getting eaten by a cheetah..........::sad::

12:26 p.m. - Thursday, January 13, 2005


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