
Happy German Fun

goddamn...sure has been awhile since i've written anything in here. of course besides of the site being fucked up, i was gone for about five days. five days of BLISS!!!! it was the first time i actually was able to get out and be with friends. sucks that it might be the last time that i get to see them..oh well...just another part of life people say....well its a shitty part of life goddammit. anyways basically the whole time i was with Adrienne we were driving all over this crap town, i shopping for Brian. got him a George Carlin calendar, another Kelley Armstrong book, Black and White PC game, and the movie "Robin Hood: Men in Tights." i think he was pleased...he better be dammit i wasted alot of money on that..that and it for our one year anniversary. besides of going to the mall and other places, we were watching movies, quoting stuff from movies (mostly Resident Evil: Apocalypse (GTA MUTHA FUCKA!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!). that and me and Brian have decided to name our future son, Nikolai, after the Russian guy from the movie. apparently Adrienne says that later in life that i will form a Japanese accent (knowing my luck i probably will) and i will be screaming "NIKOLAI!! DON'T YOU DO ANYTHING WRONG OR YOUR FAJA WILL COME AFTER YOU!!!!" and here comes Brian lookin like Astaroth from Soul Calibur II screaming "UNTHAR SMASH!!!!!". that and our other son will be named Draven and our daughter Lilith.....god two sons named after characters in movies and our daughter named after Lucifer's fav. wife...i sure hope our kids aren't going to have complexes.......

also me and Adrienne were quoting Omochao from the Sonic game, at the top of our longs in stores and in the car(DASUKETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!) ^_________^

uhhhh...what else is there......ah yesh...me and Adrienne have found religion!! the religion and holy practices of Genesh!!! Genesh was a holy Hindu God. he was the God of ravers, dread locks, elephants, and X. he died by consuming too many glowsticks...and then he was reincarnated into a doggie squeakie toy, born in Wal-mart and now currently lives in Adrienne's car's dashboard.

yesh i guess i can say that i had a good time, sucks that i probably won't have that much freedom again. but like i said its a part of life. the next time i might see them is during my mom's birthday..my mom will be turning 50 this year and even my sister Kyrsten that lives in California will be coming over here to visit. i don't give a shit what the hell will be going on during September in Pennsylvania..i will be here to visit my momma during her 50th birthday goddammit...i need to ask mom if i can get my $35 now...Brian's supposed to get his new glasses and hopefully when we're at the mall, i can buy two games for gamecube. i decided on Sonic's Anniversary game thing where you can choose from like seven Sonic games and Metroid Prime. KITTY LOVES METROID!!!!!!!!!!!!! god....if i buy those two games....i'll never go to sleep. what can i say....Samus and Sonic kick ass...well maybe not Sonic...SHADOW!!!!! ^_____^ KAWAII BISHOUNEN!!! even if it is a little black and red hedgehog, its cute as hell....

i finally got to watch Uzumaki, the crazy spiral horror Japanese movie...i swear that movie is fucking CRAZY!!!!!! the ending was pretty fucked up...it showed different people all dead in messed up ways...like the boyfriend Shuichi, his entire body was stretched and twisted, some school girl who wanted to be noticed, her hair was like all spirally and twisted around a lightpost about 50 ft high..nothing much else...never did know what happened to the lead chick, Kirie. that movie was just fucked up...i loved it. i liked the way how the stalker got ran over and was twisted up in the tire and the reporter guy got smashed into the windshield the impact made a spiral in the windshield and his eyeball was sticking out in the middle...it was fucking sweet.

can't really think of anything else that happened since the last entry....i had another dream...i dreamed i kicked the shit out of some chick...ripped her eyeball out too..and yesh we were both in Crinos form. its kinda sad...im just sorta a beginner..i mean..my first time was in October..this chick was a grunt...well...just don't piss me off i suppose. especially talk shit about Brian cuz thats how it started...that and she grabbed me by my boobs...

well thats about it...before Adrienne left for home she let me copy her "Hackers" Soundtrack. i've been listening to the music nonstop.....i think im going to mom's house tonight...i've been craving to watch that movie for awhile.


7:21 p.m. - Sunday, January 23, 2005


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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