
Adrenaline Rushes & Happy Time Video Games

oy..well i is back again...i meant to write in here last night but neither two of the computers were free. as of now i think i am getting sick. all of my muscles in my legs are fucking killing me. that and its kinda hard to sit down...i really hate to fucking say this..not trying to gross anyone out here..but my ass hurts as well...all this pain in my legs and ass...its making me feel really miserable.....is this supposed to be fucking normal!!!!!!!????? oh wait..i keep forgetting nowadays..i'm not normal -________-. at one point, while i was laying on the evil couch, i felt like i was having an adrenaline rush. but since there's nothing for me to do (sorry but at this age..running around outside in the front yard in broad daylight like a chicken with its head cut off is considered goddamned retarded), so i just stayed on the couch, breaking me back with the evil couch, shaking like i was throwing a fucking fit.....i can't sit, can't lay down, i can't fucking do anything without my lower body hurting like, and i quote, "eight bitches on a bitch boat."

other than me suffering, i can no longer say i'm bored..yesterday me and Brian's mom went shopping. first we went to grocery shopping so Brian, Tommy, and Timmy can quit bitching and waking us two awake to go out and get food. i like the taxi driver, Eddie or "Primo" is what some people call him. he's a guy straight outa New York so he has the Bronx accent and he yells at the fucking rednecks out at the window..goddamned hilarious. and he's the only taxi driver that keeps his van clean..and i mean its damn clean and it smells like pretty flowers..kudos to Eddie on that one. but as i was putting one of the shopping carts away after me and Brian's mom were done, Eddie didn't know i was under the trunk's hood and he slammed it on my head. luckily enough i have a very fucking thick skull. it didn't bother me one bit..but i loved the way how is face slacked as i gave him the ^___^ look and a thumbs up to signal i'm okay, i walked away and put the shopping cart away. Brian's mom was laughing cuz she like the way how my face first looked as i turned to look at Eddie. she said it seemed as if i was glaring at him like "what is wrong with you!!!??"

but i think after that i earned two fucking video games. of course i bought them with me own money. before we left i asked if it was okay if we could stop at Best Buy. i just wanted to know if she was willing and had enough money to go two streets over. but sadly i could not find what i was looking for..although i did have a cute guy help me look for the game ^_____^ ::blush blush::...anyways!!! we went across the street to GameStop and there i found me game!! and since there was two of the games i've been wanting i bought them both! so i is happy!!! i get to finally play me Metroid Prime and me Sonic Mega Anniversary!! ^______^ HAPPINESS!!!!! although at the moment i can't play cuz Timmy is throwing the biggest fit that i won't let him play either one. what can i say..he treats video games like crap..the most i do is cuss at the box or drop the controller..err..well maybe not drop hehheh...and now he's bitching cuz he's sooooooo bored..well too bad little kid..maybe if you didn't ask me ten times within every thirty minutes i wouldn't mind...well if he doesn't do something soon i'm taking over..............................................yup time for some Metroid Prime...i haven't really played much on it..just the Echoes demo thing. well laters!! ^________^

"Civilization began its downhill path the day some guy first uttered the word's, "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." --George Carlin

1:25 p.m. - Saturday, February 5, 2005


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