
Looks Like I'm Back Out Of Me Hole Again

well ello there!!

yesh it is i and i'm back for good..at least until fucking rednecks decide to shut shit off again. anyways..cable people came by yesterday banging on the door asking about stuff, i didn't really knew what was going on, i was still half asleep. but Brian's mom said after they left that they were going to turn everything back on, they didn't even know that that company had turned it off. so instead of her having to pay $600 they made her pay $184 so its all good and gravy.

nothing much has happened lately, i mean it was only for about 2 weeks or so that i've lived in a black hole. i had a shit load of fucked up dreams where i played jump rope with torn up human bodies in Cranos form.

the other night i had a dream where my po' sissie was kidnapped, tortured, and raped by some crazy redneck. i was stuck in the room and had to watch everything. it sucked pure ass. but after awhile we somehow got on him and his family good side and they made us a trade, sissie could leave but me and Brian had to stay and be their servants and dig up the backyard for a graveyard thing. so sissie went home but the minute the crazy rednecked texas chainsaw massacre family turned they're backs on us, we ran for it, Brian mostly dragging me away down the street. then i started running on all fours and got shot in the back and screamed, got pissed off and knocked some garbage cans over.

in another one i saw some old woman get killed by some crazy guy with chainsaw, twas not pretty.

and just last night i dreamed that me and Adrienne went to my sisters' place (they both lived together for some reason), asked for my sister, Katrina if we could steal her car cuz we wanted some nachos. she said we can but in order to get to the car, i first had to beat something that resembled the Omega Pirate boss from Metroid and a munky (LMFAO I SWEAR AM NOT LYING ABOUT THAT!!!). after cutting its head off it died and we got in the car and went to Wal-mart.

i really want to know what the hell all this is supposed to mean but i guess i'll never really know.

another thing that happened while i was in me hole, i invented a new type of food. i got so bored this pass Wednesday that i decided to make sugar cookies by scratch for the first time. well they tasted just fine, pretty fucking good, just that when i took them out, they looked like biscuits with rainbow sprinkels on them. so i call them cookscuits. COOKSCUITS!!! THE NEW WAVE OF THE FUTURE!!!! @_________@ everybody loved them, i would of made more but we ran out of eggs. when i told Tommy that, he freaked out, grabbed some money and ran to the store in the rain wearing only his wife-beater and some shorts and i mean only that (.....dork....). so today i must now slave over the stove and make about 4 dozen cookscuits. that and since tomorrow is Brian's mom's birthday i get to make Evil Cake, another of my creations. its a three-layered cake (can be any flavored cake, i usually choose vanilla or lemon), half-inch of whipcream, strawberries, and cherries inbetween the layers and then one inch of whipcream all over top and sides. and then completely covered with coconut....its the best fucking thing ever. especially if you want to calm hyper-active kids. either it will make them so hyper that they get knocked out or their face will plumet into their plates and go into a deep sleep. works every fucking time i make it so this weekend should be nice and quiet. its really good for birthday cakes since its so damn big, it usually lasts us for four days. i made one for everybody's birthday, cherry for the momma, strawberry for Tommy, chocolate for Timmy, lemon for Brian, and vanilla for me.

...........blargh.....fucking Kazaa is being gay again. i'm trying to burn a CD for me that has all me favorite j-pop songs and i'm trying to download one more song for the CD and its taking forever!!! i really want to get it done so i can make goddamned cookscuits!!!

uuuuuhhh nothing much else is left to say except i would like to leave a message to me friends. i would put it on everybody's notes list but i am fucking lazy at the moment >______>

THE VIRGIN, REPENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111ONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONEONE

11:52 a.m. - Friday, February 25, 2005


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