
Anyone Gets Offended From This, Fuck You!

ello there happy people (if there is any happy people). well nothing really much happened yesterday just that around 4 in the morning i finished the fucking Evil Cake. (IT TAKES FUCKING FOREVER TO MAKE IT!!!!!!) but like Adrienne said its all worth it in the end and thats very true. since it was really late, we're not gonna celebrate till later this evening or when she wakes up. it sucks, i wanted to go down to my mum's house and ask mummy if she could give me my $35 so i would have more money to get to the mall and buy Brian's mom a little gift. i remember one of the last times i was there i saw this really cute Shippo doll (she hates everything else about Inu Yasha but she adores Shippo to death (i don't blame her ^__^)) at the book store, too fucking cute. hopefully its still there if i find a way to get there soon.

oy Brian's still asleep and the neighbors are here again. i don't really care now since i had some sleep so i know i won't be in a bad mood and thankfully Timmy and Reynolds are gone at his fucking church. scared the shit out of me yesterday. after me, the momma and Timmy got back from the store, Timmy's fucking Christian bus driver guy actually came inside the house (ONOES!!! >___<) i was trying to relax by sitting down with me Pringles and soda and i was playing Brian's Sonic file cuz he needed help getting those emblem thingys (hee hee i got the most in the whole family) and while i was trying to do something important, he came up to me and shook my hand and asked me if i was alright and he gave me this really weird look too..................................................DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >____________________________<

wanted to fucking die!!!!!111 now i know i got the fucking plague, i washed my hand like i don't know how many times. then he tried petting po' Sarah!! but she's smart enough, she ran away. wish i could of done the same but i really didn't wanna cause a scene or whatever. but after he shook my hand he walked off towards the momma to talk about religion. she told him that Timmy was the only Christian in the house. she said she lets everyone choose their own religion and doesn't care what it is or what we do, just as long as we don't do anything illegal or whatever it was she said after that. the Christian guy didn't sound too thrilled about that though. i swear i don't know what the hell is up with Christians. why the hell do they think that everyone should obey them and God or Jesus or whatever the fuck it is that they worship!!!??why the hell do they think that all other religions are not healthy or good for other people!!?? why the hell do they think that they're the supreme religion!!?? they think people would be happy or something!!?? FUCK NO!!! SOMEBODY FUCKING ANSWER THESE FUCKING QUESTIONS FOR ME!!!!!!! you'd think that christianity was something nice and peaceful, to respect other peoples believes and actions. and you know what..it isn't.

i hear about poor little kids and even teenagers being beaten by their parents with bibles and being locked in closets or basements and being forced into this xtian shit. they go around and censor things cuz THEY don't think its wholesome or not good for peoples health. i just went to the website www.joyofsatan.com and read the Christian Censorship part and just reading the beginning of it got me even more upset. its really sad that some places you can no longer buy black candles. so far i know of one store at the mall that carries them. only one fucking store. and damn do they smell fucking good. and about the part with the store (probably a Hot Topic ^__^) not allowed to sell items that has pentacles or Baphomets on them. thats just fucking upsetting. fucking Christians can sell their shit but you can't sell or buy prettyful items with a harmless symbol on it.

and you know i just realized that the same thing is happening to the Hot Topic here. i haven't seen a Cradle of Filth shirt there for awhile. and i know i definitely haven't seen any prettyful Dimmu Borgir shtuff at all. its so unfair. and i also seen two stores based on Christianity. if we're not allowed to sell things like these than they shouldn't either. nobody should. and this whole thing about these priests or whatever the fuck they're called molesting these innocent kids and raping people. you'd think somebody would stop Christianity now. you'd think everyone would be ashamed to be a Christian. but no, of course not. what did they do, they ran away and hid behind their fucking idol. they're so called high and mighty idol. he's nothing but a biased peace of shit.

and i feel bad for Timmy. the only real reason that he goes is cuz he's being bribed into it. every fucking Saturday that Christian bus driver guy comes over and asks Timmy if he's gonna go to church on Sunday and then quickly says "if you go i'll give you a piece of candy." and Timmy agrees cuz he's a little kid who really loves candy!! its fucking sad with what their doing to the fucking youth in this world with Christianity.

i wish there was some way to get rid of these people. i remember back in the day when i was bored enough to actually try it and see what the fuck it was all about and you know what i found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UTTER BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! i found nothing that i felt comfortable with, nothing that made sense, and definitely nothing that i fucking wanted!!!!!! one of these days..someday someone should stand up to this. and i would be glad to be one of those people. SO FUCK GOD!!! HE CAN STICK HIS FUCKING RELIGION UP IS FUCKING ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....lying son of a bitch. anyone who's with me give me a nice hail Satan!!!!!!!!1..............arg...i think i actually preached up there..holy fucking fuck..i don't think i've preached before in my life...that was awesome.....i'm gonna go lay down.....i can't take this fucking christian religion shit...i wish there was some place where i can go to get away from this xtian shit. hopefully Pennsylvania isn't where the bible belt is at. if so then somebody from up there warn me..cuz i will do something about it goddammit!! ROAR!!!!!!!

11:53 a.m. - Sunday, February 27, 2005


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