
MO' EVIL CAKE!!!!! ::insert Godzilla scream::

arg...ello ello! just got back from shopping..i'm so fucking ready for nap time. Brian, me, the momma and Timmy went to Marshall's for new shoes..assholes had no Vans ::sad:: anyways after looking at ugly shoes, the momma told me and Brian to go to the grocery store to get stuff for another Evil Cake and etc. while she and Timmy go to Petsmart. at first i thought that they were just going in to look around or to buy another kitty cage but after me and Brian waited outside that took FOREVER!!!! they came out with a fishy tank and of course a gold fish. i'm still not sure what we named it. i think it was either Fishy or Goldeen (ugh named after a fucking Poke'mon, po' fish) i wanted to name it Sushi. one day i will have a fish named Sushi, a chow doggy named Dojo, a cat named Neko and a python named Uzumakimayou....or Guru-Guru ^_____^

luckily Brian and Tommy are walking to the store to get me and the momma happy pills. i have such a headache. and once again i could find no damn headphones. i fucking swear thats all i fucking want!! is just some headphones!!! but no matter where i go there never there!!!! somebody is stealing the headphones of this goddamned city....ASSHOLE!!!!!!!

erg..i got to hold the fishy for a whole hour cuz the water had to set or something. i felt completely spaced out during that hour...had a fish in a bag in one hand, a soda in the other hand and me just sitting on the couch staring at the flashing lights on the ceiling with Beck's "Loser" stuck in me head.

also i just found out that the place that we're moving to is smaller than this piece of shit place...for once i would like to live somewhere where stuff actually happens!!!! such luck. well at least there would be mountains and trees. maybe i should buy a guitar and go out and play in the mountains and hear pretty noise echo....lol.

kuso i feel like crap....mommy hasn't emailed me either so i guess she doesn't have that other scary Japanese movie back from Katrina..gggrrr..I WANNA WATCH BLOODY GOREY MOVIE!!!!! no fair..also gotta tell momma that The Ring 2 is finally in America now. so that means Ringu 2 should be on Netflix...all three Ringu's should be there...gotta ask her later when she gets home from work. hopefully its alot better than the last. i know the original Japanese versions are always good. i want the fucking manga too. i started reading it sometime in January when me and Adrienne got bored and decided to go to Books A Million to go and read. hope its still there. oy i can no longer think of stuff to put on here so i shall take depart and go do something productive.

i know i will be up all night making Evil Cake tonight so if your reading this, Adrienne get yo' arse over here so you can see the making of Evil Cake!!! ROAR!!!! tee-hee! PINK BURRITO RAP!!!!!! MEOWR!!!11...that and your moozak CD is finished ^______^

7:23 p.m. - Thursday, March 3, 2005


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