
Where's Nicholai When You Need Him!!!??

aaaaahhhhh...finally i'm on regular sleeping schedule and i'm actually waking up at six in the morning...a bit awkward but relaxing.

yesterday it was raining like a bitch. and me and Brian had to do the grocery shopping. po' momma broke her back or something and she can barely move or do anything so we had to be the responsible adults and help. ugh..responsible... i don't know if that word fits with me just yet. but we took the taxi that took forever...goddamn retard town system. sometimes i don't like going to Aldi's...people always gotta fucking stare at me. "oh my god look out here comes goth freak..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......shut up..."

all that shopping did kinda wear me out, probably the rain. made me so fucking sleepy. i had to wait while Brian went to walk off somewhere to find a phone. lol i wanted to throw all the food out of the cart, climb inside and curl up and go to sleepy land. and then that guy that was staring at me the whole time i was inside the store came up by the cart section and just stopped and stared at me and had that look on his face that was like...erberder or something....icky! he reminded me of Crazy Hat Man!!! LMFAO

one night while Adrienne was over at the house, we had a craving for tater tots and after we finished the shopping she stopped to get a soda and this guy came up and said to me, "i like those rine stones on your jacket!"...there not rine stones guy, there pyramid studs....>________>;;;; and then he asked us if we were into heavy metal and we were like no duh guy and then he started going on about some local band and that they were cool and their CD was coming out soon. and then he asked us for some money so he can get something to eat at Hardees. i gave him a fiver and i think Adrienne gave him some change..don't really remember..and then yet something else happened. right behind Adrienne someone from me past came walking up to us..i felt trapped!! Crazy Hat Man to the left and my ex Chuckie coming from the right..Adrienne said i looked like a sad panda. then when Crazy Hat Man saw Chuckie walking towards me he started saying that he wasn't flirting i was flirting and walked away....::sigh:: me and Chuckie talked a little bit..it was really awkward, didn't really know what to say to him..stupid ass..mostly just like why he wasn't at graduation, people at school talking stuff about me moving in with Brian and then out back into my mom's house..i have no clue..and him saying he was going to stalk me and find out where my house is...oy and the sad thing is he would really do that......I'M A SAD PANDA!!!!! finally he walked away and we made our exit out of Wal-mart and Crazy Hat Man was sitting on the bench waving at us. ::shudder::

once we were in the car as we were getting ready to pull out, Crazy Hat Man came running at us and asked if he can have a ride to Hardees...it was like almost 2 in the morning..what the hell would Hardees be open!!!!??? so after we declined he walked away and we got away..i swear if i ever see Crazy Hat Man again..i don't know what..reason why we call him Crazy Hat Man is cuz...he's got a creepy hat!!! duh!! it reminds me of that guy in Secret Window..fucking hat!! GET AWAY!!!

also i shall either piss you off or entertain you with yet another dream HA!..my dreams are always full of fucked up shit..i have no clue of why this is..i should find someone to help me figure them out....

i was walking in this rich bitch neighborhood and it had that Resident Evil creepy vibe..there were no zombies in this dream..just the feeling like Umbrella Corps. is gonna fuck you up...well i stopped and looked around and found my old house just sitting there like hello i'm gonna kill you, and my mom's car was parked by it and she was inside of it, dead. and i knew my sisters were dead too..i just never found their bodies. basically everyone was dead. and there was fire..everywhere. and somehow i found Brian who was half alive. and when we came across another road some huge mutated thing with three heads that only had one huge eye on each head and had crab and squid legs which was coming right for us. eventually we screamed and ran away inside a house and i had friends inside..i don't know them in real life..they were just friends. and the mutated thing attacked the house, i freaked out and ran outside and jumped inside of my neighbors car inwhich they too were inside. Billy said they were moving to Williamsburg (where ever the fuck that is) and was happy i was going too...that was about it. there was also some other part where i went back to kill the thing cuz it ate Brian and i tried killing it with a gun, that didn't work so i walked away and said fuck that.

i really wish i can get some kind of help with these dreams of mine.......

weeellll i guess i go away now and do something productive like sleep...or kick Mario's ass...fucking retard on a bench....buh-bye

6:54 a.m. - Friday, April 1, 2005


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