
Take Me Away Now Dammit!!!!! >___<

arg the back of my heels fucking hurt like eight bitches in a bitch boat!!!

i'm here at me mom's house and i tried breaking into my somewhat new shoes and it rubbed me raw....yes i'm aware that doesn't sound right, leave me alone. anyways i'm mostly here cuz i was kinda hoping nobody would be here, i had to get away from that goddamned house. freakin people being assholes almost all day..just go burn or something. really tired of Tommy calling me a wench and shit, tired of Timmy giving me an attitude about stuff even though i'm the one who has to be in charge when the momma or Jose isn't around, really tired of Brian acting like he's Timmy.

Jose is being a bastard about the computer ever since he bought the momma that World of Warcraft game, he's been hogging it up. and of course that leaves Brian, Tommy and Timmy to bitch about cuz only he and the momma are allowed to know the password. its all too much for me and i'm tired of everybody ripping everyone's head off so i ran away for awhile here. but since mom's here going through her records and stuff i took the chance of getting on here to take a break and put something in here.

but in a bit of a while i'll have no choice but to go on and head home again, even though i really don't want to. i know Brian will freak out that i've been gone for too long and i really don't want that again, not like last time when Krystal and Adrienne were with me.....arg no fucking way guy. but i guess i can look forward for tomorrow! mom said another spooky Japanese horror movie is coming in tomorrow so that maybe that will make the weekened go by faster for me since Jose is supposed to go away this Sunday. THANK YOU MY LORD SATAN!!!! (although since i have to watch the movie on the computer cuz the DVD player is in the back bedroom, i'm sure all the males in the house will have some sort of hostile reaction to that.....they sure are obsessed with that damn computer.....)

anyways its time for me to help momma here with her record stuffs so i must vanish away once again. *POOF!*

11:25 p.m. - Friday, April 15, 2005


Welcome Home

My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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