
Oy!!! It's Fuckin Story Time Kids!!!!!!!!

finally..i got that fucking counter thing to work...stupid thing wanted to be a bastard..

anyways..its 9 in the morning and i'm the only one awake. kinda deciding on what to do before Adrienne decides its time for us to go to the movies. i never did get to draw that pic, i checked my art stash..no big paper..dammit.

but i did write a short story..its insanely stupid. i was so fucking bored, i'm probably sure it really makes no sense. so anyone who reads it, note me and tell me what you think..remember its been a long fuckin while since i last really wrote something.... x______________X

Once upon a time in some other lifetime, there lived a wolf. Her pack had died in the wiltering desert but she had survived them all and lived in a beautiful forest. She had no name. She had no one. But the forest was filled with many other creatures but none like her, she was the only wolf. Everyone wasn't afraid of her either so that made her happy. Her best friend was a big bear and everyday they would go out and watch over the place, making sure nobody was making trouble.

Although, every night she howled at the sky, crying, hoping and praying that she wouldn't have to die alone.

One day she heard humans walking through the forest, firing guns throughout the place. She went to go investigate and found the humans skinning, gutting, and eating her furry little animals. As she stared at her friends' blood and innards spill to the forest floor, great sadness came over her, but most of all was anger. She growled and before she could attack, one of the humans shot her paw and she ran away in pain. She ran until she reached her bear friends cave hoping he hadn't come out just yet today. But once she got there, he was pretty much bloodied up and luckily still alive. As the sun went down in the horizon she licked his wounds while he licked hers. The next night, the full moon hanged high above the trees and she and her friend finally emerged from the bear cave. They both ran towards the human camp grounds and one by one, they slaughtered and ripped apart every human that either one could come across. The human cries of mercy rang throughout the forest all night long. The next morning, as the sun rose into the blood stained sky, one of the humans was still left alive. He looked around and saw some body parts laying about. Fear of his life he ran and ran until finally he reached the edge of the forest. Right as his feet touched the desert sand, he was attacked from behind. As he turned around he became clear of his surroundings, his attackers a woman and a man, and his crew. Each member of his crew were either nailed or hanged by wooden poles. Before the human could get up to ran away again, the woman kicked him to the ground and stared into his eyes and spoke: You came into our home, disturbed our inhabitants by polluting and killing. You spilled the blood of mere deities on our beloved forest. Never again will you humans come into our sacred forest. Never again shall either me or my friend see your face or you too will join your friends here. And the woman and the man disappeared into the forest leaving the human to escape away. After he ran a good long distance, he turned to look at the sunset where he could still see the forest. And on one of the forest mountains he could see a Garou and a Gurhal in crinos form standing there staring at him as if daring for him to come back and enter. Having the feeling of icy chills running through his veins, he ran even further into the desert never to speak or see the forest again.

yeah i know that was incredibly stupid..i want to cry too. hopefully nobody's brain cells got burned by that...i think some of mine did though...well hell, at least i tried to write something decent for a change. now its time for me to depart and to finish playing my damn Metroid Prime game...probably listen to some moozak as well. i'll eventually put something in later on to tell you all about my happy funtime at the movies.

laters @___________@

9:30 a.m. - Friday, April 29, 2005


Welcome Home

My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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