
Full Moon Garou Business, Dani Filth and Zombies! Oh My!!

listening to: Timmy baby talking the shit out of Cloe
drinking: soda
watching: We Are Dad, a documentary about a gay couple adopting kids

arg..well yeah ever since Wednesday night things have been a wee bit hectic. so lets see...

Wednesday: me and Adrienne went to pick up Sara's ashes at the hospital. when we got there we were kinda freaked out cuz at first they said that we had to pay the rest of the bill and Adrienne had called before she picked me up and they said we didn't have to pay it before we get Sara. so the lady was going around asking people to make sure it was ok....stupid woman..but once we got back we found more things in the box. we got a small picture frame of Sara's paw print and a small wooden box that has some clippings of Sara's fluff. sometime soon whenever the house is a little bit clean i'm gonna paint the box to look pretty! and i'm kinda glad that Sara's urn is the exact same as Fuzzbeau's so when we move, once me and Brian start decorating our room, the little shrine that we're gonna make, things will match up pretty good. but after we put Sara away so noone can break her, me and Adrienne left for the mall. but first we went to GB Games to look around, that and i haven't been in there forever. we bumped into Katie F. and two other people that i don't remember. they had just came from the mall and one of the people also nicknamed Kitty had accidently insulted my friend Jason that works at Hottopic. so once we got there i told him i was sorry about what happened. he didn't care that the chick said he was ugly (even though he isn't....really really really really isn't....hee ::drools::). we left from there and went to go pick up people cuz we were all going to this club downtown and watch Krystal sing and make a ass of herself. and people tried to get me to sing..they must be on crack. even though i apologize for being ass..i just don't do that. that and of course it was Wednesday so that means the 14 days were up and i got depressed. but once the weird bug that was crawling on the wall scared the crap out of people, Ben screaming it has a antennae on its ass. we took it outside to free which was good cuz it gave me an excuse to get away. and it was such a good night..really windy, not cold, not hot, the full moon in the sky. and the one thing that made me happy was that a pack of dogs were crossing the street..for some reason it brought me peace just watching them play around under the full moon. that and it was cute they were all the same color, sorta like a bright yellowish white cream. after that we left for Adrienne's house, she cooked pizza while me, Krystal, and Ben watched Family Guy..i kinda passed out for a good 10 minutes. and during then for some reason my right ankle started to hurt. when i took my shoe off it was all swollen and stuff. i'm still confused and still hurting. when i got home i didn't really have peaceful dreams. i wished i did but i knew sometime that night something was gonna go even more wrong. and the thing that pisses me off is that i don't remember.

Thursday: woke up feeling like pure crapola. my ankle screaming. me, the momma and Timmy went shopping at Wal-Mart, i got a new shirt. one of those workshirts that had the logo's West Coast Choppers inside the iron cross symbol. i stayed up half the night "editing" half of the shirt. i took everything off, except the huge iron cross on the back. i think it looks good. i told the momma that i was gonna save up some money and buy the Gamer patch from J!nks to put on the shirt and she said "don't worry about it, the circus midget might buy you the Gamer shirt for your birthday." ever since then i've been giggling like Mr. Burns repeatingly tapping my fingers together muttering "excellent." after shopping and hearing Timmy bitch about not wanting KFC for dinner, Adrienne came over and we watched Cradle of Fear...holy shit guy..i love it. and when i mean loving it..i pretty much sure i fell in love with Dani Filth all over again. i couldn't stop thinking about Dani after that. especially seeing him in the club..fuck if i had someone like that staring at me like that..::drools:: i freaked out when the bastard blew half of Dani's head off ::sniff sniff:: it makes me sad that still barely anyone knows who Cradle of Filth is! lets see..Adrienne knows, domino Chris knows, i'm pretty sure Jason knows if not i'll have to kick his ass cuz he works in a store that sells precious!! and yeah..thats about it. i'm a sad panda. later in the night i went to mom's house to drop off the movie (listening to Cradle of Filth's Love Craft and Witch Hearts album of course) she asked if i liked the movie and i giggled again. her computer was acting really stupid, more than usual so its pretty bad so i couldn't get on. so i came back here, finishing up my shirt while me and Brian watched The Terminal. i'll admit, its a good movie. i laughed when the crazy old janitor man was running up to the plane at the end, surrending himself, fucking awesome. i went to sleep around three or four in the morning and this time i remembered my dreams!! it seems that Chris is doing ok..but i still refuse to stop watching over him. and i'm not talking about just this full moon, all of em as long as i'm here. we were playing around in this street, with lots of trees with christmas lights in them. we kept shoving each other around, like a retarded two person mosh pit. and at one point i knocked him down and started pulling him by his ankles. and then we were slow dancing to pretty metal and i stared into his eyes and they were like Dani's..yup i was in love. and then i woke up...dammit right? definitely right.

Friday: woke up and drowned myself and managed to wash my hair and not be attacked by a spider. this was the day me, Adrienne and Brian were going to the movies to see Land of the Dead!!!! w00t!!!!!!!!! i burned her the Cradle of Filth CD's along with Dimmu Borgir's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia while i finished up editing my shirt. ack i almost forgot! Sammy had kittens! they were insanely premature so they both died. but the first one died when it came out. the second one struggled for a few hours while the momma went to Pet Smart and bought stuff for it cuz Sammy didn't feel like giving her baby any attention. it was so sad, the babies didn't have any fur but their skin was black and white, definitely Corey's babies. and right when the momma got back with the medicine, etc. it was gone. and she sent me and Adrienne to go and fetch some coffee. i was kinda pissed off cuz when we were about to leave, Brian and Timmy went to bury the kittens in a plastic bag..sorry but that just makes me mad. in my book you just don't fucking do that. at least they didn't wrap it up in a paper towel and throw it away in the garbage can like what the momma did last summer..but after we came back, my shirt was finished and we left to do many things. cash in Adrienne's check, got her oil changed and hanged out at Wal-Mart for an hour and a half. went shopping at the Family Dollar to buy snacks and drinks for the movie. heh when we bought the tickets they asked for ID cuz its supposed to be for only people 18 and up and we look so young!....fucking retards i swear. there was barely anyone in the theater which was good. we sat in the front, nobody in front of us so we were able to prop our feet up. nothing like a good R & R session watching loads of people getting attacked and eaten by zombies, eating chips and snacky cakes, drinking root beer, and yelling at the screen, "You Got Red On You!!!" fucking awesome movie. lots of dead things and shit being blown up. i was sad that John Leguizimo was a zombie..i wanted run up to him and hug him when he got his revenge. and then Big Daddy blew them up. fucking awesome. i think the two coolest zombies were Big Daddy, the ruthless leader of the zombies and the notorious half, kinda almost decapitated priest zombie. i loved the movie so much. i just wish the ending was a bit better. at first i didn't even know it was the ending until the credits came up. i sat there shocked and screamed "UN-SATISFIED!!!!!" but like i said, kick ass movie. after the movie we didn't feel like going home so we traveled downtown cuz they were supposingly going to have some sort of Kabuki exhibit thing but apparently we missed it cuz we walked up and down the street and didn't find anything. it was packed with people, groups of people playing music, etc. we had no more money so we couldn't go into the small caffe's and stuff so we left and got kinda lost downtown. it was still around ten at night so we left to Barnes and Noble, listening to moozak. we laughed when we listened to System of a Down's Mesmerized CD, the clean version!! and laughed even harder when heard Cigaro. it just didn't sound right. once we got home i was ready for bed but the momma sent us out once again to Wal-Mart to get her those little psychotic bears and a bratz doll..i was tempted to burn the doll. to destroy it!!! and finally i was able to get my rest. Brian kinda got me mad cuz he said that i slept not facing him and he compared me with his ex's and i was just not in the fucking mood for that again. he stomped off back into the living room and i fell asleep and of course i dreamed of zombies!! but Big Daddy wasn't there!! ::sad:: i was trapped in this weird building with metal walls and a huge group of them were chasing me and i fell into this small room and closed the door right when they threw a dead body at me, it was Charlie from the movie! i was sad, you could see his skeleteon it was all red and bits of flesh was still attached. and it came to life!! and magickally a door appeared that led outside and i jumped out just before they all got me. it was weird, while i was being chased by the zombies, i knew i was dreaming. i mean, i was in the dream running like hell but at the same time i could feel myself asleep, i could feel the pillow! it was weird. and then the dream changed. i was in my old backyard being ganged up by three or four guys and i was bleeding from the head. they died eventually of course. and after that i was laying out on Chris's lawn as a lupus. he was asleep in his room of course, me just laying there making sure i didn't have to deal with anymore assholes.

today i woke up feeling like crap again. my neck and shoulders were hurting like a bitch. i tried drowning myself but it just hurt even more. Brian and Tommy are outside putting the grill together, in the rain and Timmy is running around the house trying to kill the flies with water. i don't know why he has act like a idiot. he's really getting on my nerves, he already broke the kitchen sink window blinds! well anyway, i'm tired and bored. its amazing i haven't play any video games in a while, i might play Metroid Prime. if i can find it =__= and Michael still has my Metroid Prime 2..and he's in Korea now..goddammit...well i'm off to dream about Dani Filth again! so kawaii..sometimes i wish i can meet someone like him but that will be against my morals at the moment.


5:09 p.m. - Saturday, June 25, 2005


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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