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listening to: Tool
drinking: water
watching: Brian making war with his Storm Troopers >___>;;;;

meh today went by pretty damn quick!

last night was kinda fun. around 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. i grabbed Brian and made him walk me down to my mom's house to drop off my check and her movie, only reason i wanted him to go with me is cuz i was damn fucking tired and i wanted him to make sure i wouldn't fall asleep on my way there..i'm pretty sure i would of dropped down next to the road and gone to sleepy land. well on our way back, Adrienne came by nearly running us over asking if we wanted to go to a party at the Pembroke college. Brian told me to go ahead and go while he stayed home and looked over the sleeping family.

so i got ready and went to Adrienne's where Angel picked us up, Krystal was with her so it was a happy night! ^__^ it takes about maybe forty minutes to get there..seemed like an more than hour. but it was fun driving out into the countryside with the moon in the horizon all bloody looking with the all the stars shining in the sky so pretty!! ^_______^

there was alot of people i didn't know of course, except for Amy..Oliver...yeah i think that was about it..lol

Amy had a panick attack so me and Adrienne stayed in the bathroom with her, Krystal coming in every now and then..and that one guy coming in wanting to use the bathroom but thought we were blocking it off so he pissed in the shower. it was great.

near the end we all went back into the room, alot of people had already left so i felt comfortable again..i don't know..usually when i'm in crowded areas with people i don't know i'm insanely antisocial >___>;;;;;; one of the chicks passed me some darts and asked if i wanted to kill Bush..i said hell yeah, even though i sucked at darts. the first one i was way off but i made up the next two times, i hit him directly in the eye and again next to it..i definitely felt like i accomplished something.

everyone was dancing to the Bloodhound Gang and that one cute guy Ray..i think that was his name..was dancing all funky like..made us all giggle. then it was time to leave cuz Krystal had to babysit and i think Angel had to work. it was hard to say bye bye to Amy..i wanted to leave and yet i didn't want to leave!! i kept hugging and kissing her..i was a sad panda!! but people said their trying to go again next weekend. i might go..depends on whats happening.

oh yeah yesterday the momma got her check so she went out and bought stuff. got a new PS2 with some retarded games, she bought Timmy a new GBA which pissed me off cuz i asked for one and i seriously don't think Timmy deserves one, especially after blaming the cat for knocking his other one into his bookbag and some kid stole it at school...fuck i can't wait to get away from these people..fucking greedy spoiled little bastards..

anyways i must flee and go check something out at gamefaqs.com...its been awhile since i last been in the Sanctuary Fortress in Metroid Prime 2 and i'm so fucking lost T________T

at least Timmy's spending the night at one of his friends house..and strangely enough Tommy's still at school doing band stuff..hope he's not walking home or else the momma is gonna freak out and we all know what she's like when she's having her tantrums >_________<

::sigh:: i wish something interesting would happen.

8:36 p.m. - Friday, August 26, 2005


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