
I Wonder What The Hell My Subconscious Is Trying To Tell Me >_>

listening to: SlipKnoT
drinking: nada
watching: Lost In Space but of course i'm not paying attention >_>

blah..i kinda accidently fell asleep around seven and now i'm wide awake..dammit..i hate my retarded sleeping schedules >_< but oh well..maybe i'll take a few pics of the sunrise ^__^

also when i was just laying down staring at the evening stormy sky, i didn't realize that i was being torn apart by fire ants again! the little fuckers were all over my bed!! i freaked out and found the damn bug spray stuff and took my revenge! muha i was victorious!! but of course the smell of the bug spray probably wasn't safe to stay around, nor falling asleep breathing in the fumes x___X but i did anyway >_> and damn was my dream fucked up...

the first one i don't remember much from..something about a slumber party with Adrienne, Krystal, and Amy..and Okcupid.com...some guy calling me worshipping me like a goddess (i don't know if thats good or bad >_____>;;;;;;;;;;;) me trying to figure out how the hell he got my number..we all got in the car at one point and went speeding around town..thats all i remember..

but the second one...just..wtf!!!??? >___< i dreamt i was Vegeta and Bulma's daughter (...:0...) and i was scared cuz Vegeta was going around the house threatening to kill everyone so i fell asleep on the top bunk and my bed was invested with fucking ants!!!! (omfg wtf!! >_<) i woke up the next day in the dream...and Vegeta was all luvvy dubby >_>;; apparently he doesn't remember about him being genocidal from the previous night >_>;;;; and then it switched to me and all of the dbz senshi in the forest...which had Borgs and Storm Troopers lurking about (::sighs and buries face in hands::...i don't fucking know..i just really don't >_>;;) and also some other things that i didn't recognize..like these trees that came to life..and they threw these big green energy balls..looked like fire or lava >_>;; and at one point actual lava came in and threatened to kill everything, which it almost did..it was a all out fucked up war..and then i started running to find my dad and niichan (Vegeta and Trunks...oy vey >_>) and i think Goten was with me..somebody or something was..and we stopped running and saw the lava eating everything up..and a huge fucking tidal wave of purple water someone summoned up...the last thing me and Goten said was "....blah..this is gonna fucking hurt for a bit...." and it did..i actually felt the pain as i was being carried away with the water..i think i forgot how to fly in the dream >_> and apparently so did Goten..but anyways..i think we won the war..cuz afterwards we were all sitting in the kitchen at Capsule Corps....

yeah..i have no idea what caused this dream..but meh oh well >_>;; i've had worse trust me....i'll never forget that one dream i had when i was like 16...fucking breaking into a video store at night with Meowth and finding millions of Dragon Ball Z movies...i stand and look at all of them, to my right one of the covers had Vegeta on top of a pile of money, him gleefully throwing it in the air with Bulma laying down next to him, nakey..and the title says "Vegeta Gets Rich"...another one to my left with Piccolo mooning somebody...>_>;;;;;;....and the one in the center..Goku and Oolong wearing ladies bras and thongs...title says "Goku In Trouble"


sometimes i really hate my subconscious >_>;;;;;

but hey it is better than dreaming about the moon colored blood or the moon being on fire and cracked >_>;;

blah..today i need to go through the rest of those fucking bags!! i keep telling myself that and i always end up falling asleep >_< well today i'm gonna do it..and put all my posters up >_>;; probably rewash my blankies...goddamn motherfucking ants!! i hate you to no end!!!

i should go start doing it now..listen to mein moozak..::sigh:: i love you Krisiun ::kiss:: XD

later bitches

4:47 a.m. - Friday, September 30, 2005


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