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listening to: Ancient (new album so goddamn nummy >,<)
drinking: ....ice counts >.>
watching: some random thing mom has on the tv

well..looks like i'm gonna post here once in awhile since peoples miss me ::hugs:: yay people care! XD feel teh wuv

hmm..so anyways yesh..lately i've been obsessed with a anime i grew up with around the same time i first started watching Sailor Moon (yay i special) i used to watch it on some channel i don't remember but i liked it..and then it came on Toonami around the time i became obsessed with DBZ (...i'm not stupid..)yeshes..i should stfu and say it..its the lovely Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors for you dubbed bastards!!) *shakes fist* XP

but yesh..since mom has netflix i've been cracked with the anime lately..i have all the YST on there and i can't stop listening to the moozak..everytime a new one pops up on the opening and ending song i immediately start drooling and rant at poor Samu-chan to send me it ^__________________^;;;;;; so i've been singing the songs constantly, along with another nummy Megumi Hayashibara song "Hesitation" which is funny how i came across it....Samu-chan let me have his hardrive with thousands upon thousands of bands with almost all the albums from each person, so you know i'm a happy bitch with mein moozak..well anways i've always wanted to listen to DJ Starscream's stuff (Sid Wilson from the nummy SlipKnoT XD) and uhm..there was some random song in the misc. folder and it said "Hesitation" so i said hokay! i listen...and become confused

"why is there a sexy Japanese chick voice singing.........wait a minute...i know this fucking voice...*goes into playlist and plays random bits of just about all Slayers moozak*...*plays Hesitation again*...*plays Don't Be Discouraged*....*plays Hesitation yet again*....aha!! i knew it!! its my woman singing!!!"

yesh..i'm retarded when i'm bored XP

wow..uh yesh..there was something else i wanted to say aboot YST...YEAH!! fuck beans i've been so obsessed i've been having wonked out dreams about them >< like for instance both of them were yaoi...well not yaoi more shounen-ai..its like i've been having cloudy dreams of it..i don't remember anything except one or two parts, the rest is mostly static (fuck you snow show! o___O;;) but yeah..lately all i remember is all the guys cuddling and all kishy kishy...happiness in a fucking box!! XD

and today i got bored and went to ff.net and went to see what people made for YST...do you have any idea how many yaoi/shounen-ai fanfiction there is one there!!!!!!???? i mean damn..its crazy o___o but then again...the anime is always focused on nothing but guys so..XD i've read a few..some were nummy, some were plain wtfx.....especially the one where the author made Shuu a crossdresser..it made me giggle until i pictured him in a dress with a wig and makeup..i basically fell outa the chair XP

hee yesh..go teh crazy anime omfg phase that i rarely have nowadays ><;;;;;

other than that stuff going on, things have been really shitty XP mostly due to mom's constant bitching that i don't do anything around the house..which is starting to really piss me off cuz i do every little fucking thing she says...and yet i get yelled at or its not good enough..hell today she came home and ordered me to pick up the trash in her room and cook her dinner...gods..its almost like Brian's house again =_________= but last night we got into those happy time family yelling fights..she's wigging out cuz i don't do anything..wtf..i stay home all day with nowhere to go, the only thing i can do is clean and bullshit on the computer or take naps..its rather aggrivating cuz i wanna break the stupid cycle and do something interesting. but it looks like i can't really do that since everything i wanna do is over 8,000 miles away


damn money's and its needing to have it!!!!!!!!!

in one of my dreams that didn't include luvvy dubby YST..i had ran away from home and purchased a plane ticket for $8 and went to Florida to stay with my cousin Amy and waited for Samu-chan to send me the happy plane ticket

if only dammit cuz i have $8 ><

*sighses* so much stupid crap i have to do to get things organized..first sexiness sent out money to get my id renewed..then i have to make a savings account with Bank of America..then i have to somehow earn more money to get my passport renewed...and then i have to somehow pull $400-$800 out of my ass to put in my savings account so when i get to New Zealand i have proof i can stay in another country..and of course importantly..getting the plane ticket that costs over $1000

*head explodes*

fuck you money!

blah..but i know we can get through this icky period of "fucking hell i wanna be with youse so fucking bads!!1 aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!1111oneoneeleven"

yeshes..sometimes i get so sad when i'm in my room cuz there's so many damn memories of snuggling and uhm..."happy ending" ^______^;;; like for instance..i still haven't cleaned my room since the night before he left..so there's still candy wrappers, probably alot of his hair strands all over the floor..the half broken futon from us making love for over a week constantly cuz its so fucking goods just being with him dammit!!!!!!! ever since Samu-chan left i've been wearing his bloody shirt..but for the past two days i've been retarded and took it and wrapped it around his pillow and snuggled it....yay pathetic! but yesh it does make me feel better..its almost like Samu-chan!!! just gotta like..draw a smiley face on the pillow and put some safety pins where his piercings should be >< it would totally work dammit!!!!

hee i just hope soon we can get this crap over with and then i'll be with my one and only love and don't have to worry about anything >< and they have millions of asian food markets in the city so i can indulge myself with nummy Japanese candy and hear the crazy screams of the random old asian lady..hee i love its X3

well its late and i'm talking with mein sexy now..still so damn tired..its gonna be a bitch getting used to this schedule since the time changed..stupid time fucking with my mind...i don't likes it! and it doesn't likes youse!!! o___O;;;

hmm..also something random to say...listen to Cradle of Filth "Amor E Morte"..its sexy i promise..its aboot werewolves dammit!! can't get any sexier than that...well..except zombies of course...but never Shuu in a dress *shudders*


2:07 a.m. - Tuesday, April 4, 2006


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