
Yay! My Subconscious Breaks Things!!

listening to: SlipKnoT
drinking: orange soda bitches!
watching: nada
thinking: my head hurts XP

hokies...i had two weird wtf dreams..actually i had more but just these two really makes me question of how the hell they got in my head in the first place o_______o;;

the first one was about a big family: a mom, a baby, two kids, uncles, aunts, many grandparents were all sitting down to breakfast..and uhm..they mixed some white pudding like substance into they're food and said it was napalm O____o;; later on that day they all started to get sick and they're bodies were mutating o . o;; i asked the mom why they did it and she said they were protesting cuz the 60s were bad O__o;; luckily the two kids were still left alive but everyone else was laying in the hallway dead and looking gross..the baby especially o_____o

the other dream was about me being on some field trip, hiking through the woods with people..and we came across a small hut and it was like haunted by two kids..they were accused of witchcraft and were hanged...yay!!

it makes all the sense..most definitely

hehehe mom left a $20 for meh XD i'm gonna do alot more cleaning today..going to go through all the cabinets and clean them out o . o; wee!! mom wants me to move the computer desk back to being next to her closet XP i never liked it there cuz it always felt so crowded and blah but meh..hopefully i'll get something out of it X<

she went online last night and checked out the prices for the Gregory Horror Show..it be alot easier if it came in a boxset cuz boxsets make it more smexy looking..but its doesn't XP she said she's gonna have to buy one every two-three weeks o___o;; it works i guess

well..i'm off to bullshit and do some more of that moozak crap..it sucks, last night i was putting the music from the mix cds i have..and i was so out of it i didn't remember most of the songs and who the hell did them...i win most definitely XP but at least i got mein Tristania song back X3 me loves teh Wormwood!!

meows and Samu-chan called right when i layed down in the bed to go sleepies..it was so goods X3 and he took pics of the snowy mountains and today or tomorrow he's going to a 100 year old graveyard and take some pics for me X3 meows i totally wanna be there!

fuck i'm hungry o__o

later whores

4:57 p.m. - Saturday, June 24, 2006


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