

listening to: The Brimstone Gate, Naglfar X3
drinking: happy time soda
watching: nada
thinking: no sleep and constant heat makes KiTTy something something


you know..i like summer..i really do..if you minus the bugs, the heat, the humidity, the idiots driving around blaring idiot music (even though no matter what time of the year, people are always doing that but thats not the point!) the point is..i just want some fucking sleep..sleep is good..sleep keeps me happy..but today i hait..hait to no fucking end!!!

i didn't end up getting to bed till around nine or ten..and i was so so so damn sleepy but so much shit was going on outside..too much noise and when it finally went away my brain was a zombie..i just layed there, rolling around until i looked at the clock...past noon and said hokay, now it is time for desperation...the only thing that puts me to sleep straight away is listening to Himekami "Moonwater" =.=;; its like a Japanese instrumental moozak cd..its insanely pretty and makes me sleepy..heh..but not today! i ended up listening to the thing maybe five times until i finally slept..for maybe 5-7 or so minutes nd went back to rolling around for another hour..

luckily the sun had fucked off and it started to rain..so i was cold and it was good..i don't think i really fell asleep until around three or four and woke up around nine o______o eh..the good thing is is that i'm wide awake but my head still feels like a zombie o . o;

mom is also being weird in her sleep..she's now commanding me to clean up things and do random things for her while she's sleeping and not remember when she wakes up o____o; the other day she ordered me to make her a bag of popcorn and i gave it to her and she was freaked out cuz she was dreaming about it O___o;; and aboot a day or two before that, she was talking in her sleep..i was just innocently playing Castlevania, bitchslapping things with teh whip and other nummy weapons (tonfers are smexy X3) and she's uttering about ramen o . o; mom wins

le sigh...i'm bored -__- its gonna be another long night of bullshitting and having my leveling adventure..grr i want my Sammeh-chan T.T

later whores

11:27 p.m. - Monday, July 3, 2006


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