
Calm Down Baby, Have A Piece Of Cheese

listening to: i got this weird Japanese midi song stuck in my head..damn you MahJongg!
drinking: nada
watching: Firefly o . o
thinking: today is gonna be one of those days @.@

mmm i have a headache XD

well..mom didn't go to work yesterday so that kinda made me all =___=** cuz i finally wanted time to myself without having someone reminding me constantly of the yard..as far as i'm concerned, either we get a normal lawnmower or i'm lighting the fucker on fire cuz yeah..i hate grass to no end cuz of that fucking thing..what really makes me mad is that she keeps telling me to do all these different things to the lawnmower and it doesn't do anything so she figures i must of broke it =__= i can't wait to leave here..i'll be in a city..with Samu-chan..Japanese candy..cement bitches!!!!!1

yesh..so enough about fucking grass for once @.@

i finally got to talk to Sammeh-chan and him and his dad are on they're way back to Auckland, should be back sometime tomorrow me thinks. he's not too thrilled about being on a ferry again cuz last time he died and threw up alot >< and while i was talking to him like..he said he had some really strong coffee and man that crazy smexy man of mein was hyper XD he kept talking really fast and it was so cute and then at one point he slowed down on one sentence and he sounded like a robot O . o yay!! i could use me some nummy coffee right about now X<

last night when i woke up around 11:00pm i had me a wtf dream..a dragon ball z wtf dream O___o;; its kinda been awhile since i had me one of those! i remember the last one...::shakes head:: gotta love it with the subconscious is drunk..this time it was about Videl walking around school on the first day and she was looking for Gohan and was thinking about what kind of guy she should go out with..and in the dream it was like going inbetween anime style and live action o__o and she was about to go down the stairs (oh yeah..the school reminded me alot of South View O___o) and she saw all these geeks standing against the wall and one of them was wearing a dbz shirt and she was like "...dbz..wtf is that!?" and then i woke up cuz i was talking in my sleep again o___o

i usually always catch myself saying it and my own voice wakes me up and then i began to roll around in bed..and then sit up and go "..what you say?" the first time this happened i uttered "goddamn fifth graders" the second time was something like "file the folders in the cabinet" the third time was with Samu-chan X3 and i say "zombies and pudding" and this time was just two simple words "..Star Trek"....XD..

so yeah..ever since i'm now wanting to watch it..even though the last time i tried at Adrienne's and ended up falling asleep all over Samu-chan.....and her cat teh Minista or her grandma stole my necklace and is hiding it in they're horde...bitches..

also..when i was laying in bed trying to wake up and figure out this dbz dream and Star Trek, i heard voices in mom's room and i was like "zomg mom's watching Star Trek i know it!!!" no..no..she was watching Star Gate O____o

you lied..you lied to me!! SHORIYUKEN x.x

i think i'm gonna eat some ice for breakfast..i ran out of peach tea..no more soda..no more juice..::dies::

hehehhe i can't wait for Samu-chan to get home..now we can finally talk normally! and he can totally send me some more Castlevania..cuz uhm..i've been good! i love youse Sammeh-kun!! i totally get youse more coffee! good deal neh!?!? i'll make you a cookie keki T.T

damn headache..time to consume pills! yay!

later bitches XP

8: 11a.m. - Tuesday, July 11, 2006


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