
Zombie Funtime Spectacular XP

listening to: Force of Pandemonium, Naglfar XD
drinking: orange soda..bitches
watching: nada
thinking: i don't ever ever ever wanna grow up, old people make me make me make me throw up

meows i keep waking up so earlier now >.< hait!

well today is mom's last day at work..i don't know how i'm gonna deal with her being home all day everyday o___o mom has been working at that damn place since i was in 6th grade so its weird but she'll be working at a new place sometime next month or so..she was gonna go to Purolator but there's another place next to Black & Decker that needs help..luckily she'll have the same schedule she has now so its happy XP i just hope i can earn some more money somehow. i need like maybe $30 left and yay bank account is mein! hmms..maybe just maybe we can get crap straightened oot before October O . o

the other morning i had a spooky dream o___o i woke myself up by talking again XP i don't get it though..i love zombies so why the hell are they making fun of me!!1

i was having a friend spend the night..i'm not sure who it was..i think it was some chick i used to hang out with in Douglas Byrd but uhms things changed and i was walking away from this huge building and people were freaking out and running away..i came to a sharp curb in the road and suddenly it was nightime and it was raining pretty hard and a cop car was speeding towards me and i whipped out a gun from hammerspace O . o i started yelling at them that i wanted in and they told me to hurry up and i looked down the road and a horde of zombies were running towards us o_____o i got in the back and this other chick was there..with short hair and she told me to get my cellphone to make a video of her so if she died she would be remembered or something o__o we came by the huge building that i was walking away from in the beginning and it turned out to be a really really big hospital..sorta reminded me of the hospital in Kingdom Hospital O__o; but uhms..it was incredibly packed with people and they were all stupid too..kept like opening food stands in the parking lot to feed people o__o i walked inside the hospital and they weren't letting anyone go up to the upper floors for some reason..it pissed me off cuz i wanted to get away from the ground XP and some guy got all angry cuz the cell phone i had was his O___o don't remember alot of what happened but i guess i fell asleep in a small room with people and the sun was out and all happy looking..but the windows were all half assed boarded up and stuff...and my kitty Fuzzbeau was laying out on the window sill >< and this random zombie had his face all in my kitties face..like..clicking his teeth together at Fuzzbeau and mein kitty just smiled that wtf smile he always had at the zombie..and somehow the zombie had gotten in and was perched on the arm of the couch..i kept whispering to the people that were awake on the other side of the room that he was in the house but they kept ignoring me..but this guy that was laying on a couch next to me woke up and threw a machete at the zombie and went back to sleep XP the machete barely hit the zombie and he noticed me and ran at me and i wokes up going wtf mate XP

yay happy fun dreams..damn zombies need to get a job, i didn't really care much about them..but dammit i mish my Fuzzbeau alot more now T____T

uhm..in other random news i decided to sign up on deviantart..i have no idea if i'll ever submit anything since i no longer really do anything art related o___o but Sammeh-chan wanted me to so i didn't minds ^.^ go make fun of me XP

blah..man this is weird..i have like nine hours left to myself for whenever mom goes back to work..gotta make them count o . o ooh yeah the other day when i was all aoweaoiha cuz the ups man wasn't showing up..he did and it was mom's printer ink stuff, she alot of refills too so yay i can print out random things and feel special XP and just last night the boardgame came in and zomg..its actually kinda cool..i read a few questions and the bitches actually know what they're talking about..they have questions about Black Metal @__@ i nearly fell off mein futon giggling cuz i answered a Satyricon question right X< so yeshes..its not a total idiocy thing i suppose.

in fact i'm running away to read some more questions..they're really interesting o . o

later whores XP

3:11 p.m. - Friday, July 14, 2006


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