
I Don't Likes Its And It Doesn't Likes Youse!

listening to: End of the Line, Arch Enemy
drinking: nada
watching: nada
thinking: i likes teh sleep but teh sleep don't likes meh

meows @__@

well i slept for maybe a good two hours until i gotten woken up by the dream, the heat and fat boy pawing at my back o___o

the dream was really weird..damn baka boy was in it..nasty icky blaherasdlf >< i'm sure it took place around damn x-mas..and me, Samu-chan, teh sisters and mom lived in the old house..and mom had given me a present O__o it looked like one of those retarded mcdonald fast food kids meal toys o__o it came in two pieces and on the warning label it said that if it wasn't connected right a deadly disease would leak out O_______o;; and well..me being me..it didn't get connected right..yay s-m-r-t!! but the good thing is is that baka boy caught the disease!! he was bleeding out bright blue blood or liquid crap from every orifice o . o and i still swear it looked like ice cream O__o;; but it freaked me out cuz he was shoveling around like a zombie..so i ran out of the house and was trying to find Samu-chan and i ran to the house across the street from me..and somehow baka boy was inside that house too o___o and i was screaming for Sammeh-chan but i couldn't find him >.< and somehow i got like a deep gash on my right cheek..i think it was self-inflicted but i don't remember doing it in the dream o . o i ran out into the garage with baka boy behind me shoveling along like a retarded zombie leaking blue..stuff..ice cream disease things and i ran out the back door into the backyard yelling for teh Sammeh-chan and i found him o___o and we ran away from the backyard that was all old and cobwebby and stuffs...and then randomly a picture of a dog getting bit on the cheek by a fat cat popped out of hammerspace and i woke up...

it...works? i have no idea wtf its supposed to mean...beware of retard boy..blue ice cream and myself i guess if that gash was self inflicted..which is retarded cuz i'm not stupid like that o___o;;; blah damn dreams doing the things that they do XP

i really have no idea when i'm going back to sleep..i wish it was now >< i hate the day and the heat and its death o__o i slept on my arm all retarded like too so it hurts like eight bitches in a bitch boat

oh yeah..something interesting happened to my sister Kyrsten in California..since she's works in a bar..she gets $700 tips every night she works there..and sometime this week she served drinks to nonother than goddamn Mini-Me..fucking Vern guy...very very fucking le creepeh..she said him and all his friends were drunk like crazy drunken things and she say that he's alot alot more smaller in real life than you think O____o;; but they talked and he was nice...damn circus midget leave meh sister alone XP

Kyrsten also said last week that some guy from 90210 was in the bar too..some redhead guy..i don't remember cuz i don't know and don't care for that show XP

meows..why does it have to be so hot T__T i guesses i shall do random things until i get sleepy..i'm thinking aboot making a new cast page thingy on teh d-land..fix stuff up a bits and finish up those damn zodiac pics and get them out of the way..maybe play some Wolfenstein and kills meh some nazi guys...i played more of AoS..i killed meh another boss, a Legion thing that was filled with dead bodies and after you knock off the shell you get to the core that has tentacles and moves around like a evil hentai O__O; no nummy XP

oh yeah speaking of that..i'm trying to think of other animes to watch after i finish Midori no Hibi..i have no idea what to watch o___o so far i decided on Gokusen to see whats that like..Shura no Toki looks happy and Blame! looks smexy..other than that i'm at a loss XP suggestions plz ooh and also i found another crazy J-horror movie..well i'm not sure if its crazy and bloody like the ones i less than three but its something called Mail O__o; i guess its interesting..in a few days i shall find oot XP i wanna re-rent Ju-roh..it was pretty good and the storyline was awesome but i honestly forgot what happened at the end o___o something creepeh happened..i think the shadow thing ate the lady o . o but it be good cuz i can see whats going on..that smexy tv makes the eyes happy

man..i really do need to go back and look on that asian horror database thing and see what there is..i wanna see smexy asian chicks and gorey bloodiness T.T i still wanna see that chinese zombie flick..it looks smexy! ooh and Dead Alive dammit..i've been wanting to see that since Sammeh-chan was here o___o i need happytime goreyness dammit XP

blargfah..well me thinks i'm going off to do those things now..but first a fucking ice cold bath..this heat is unbearable..its unforgivable!!!! and stuff..yeah..O_o;

later whores XP

12:48 p.m. - Thursday, July 27, 2006


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