
Hell Beans Not Another One =.=

listening to: Det Nye Riket, Dimmu Borgir
drinking: really cold water >.<
watching: nada
thinking: i hait that guy =.=

well i had me a semi adventure O___o

i kept damn falling asleep at the computer desk cuz i ran out of things and i felt like pure crapola..its 80 degrees outside...around 80 in teh house, my limbs are nearly falling off and teh lady parts are bleeding red water...yay

after taking a bath i felt alot better and since teh Sammeh-chan is off having dinner at his dads place i figured i go out and get the mail and newspaper hoping that Gokusen was there XP

i'm almost at the front of the neighborhood and some random lady was in her driveway staring at me XP and she walked up to me once i got nearer...she was short and old and was scantily clad...definitely a part of Crazy Hat Man's family..she shook my hand and said she locked herself out and wanted me to break inside her house O__o i wanted to run far away cuz i kept thinking that if i got the door open, that guy who played Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs would be standing there nakey and dancing to damn 80s music =.=;; but yeah..i tried it oot...threw myself at it and accessed denied, she gives me a spade and she declared "ooh your strong"...dot dot dot...i honestly wanted to whimper and get away but she ran off cuz her cell phone rang and the door swings open..at least i got an excuse to break things o . o she's busy yelling half drunkenly at someone and i wave to her bye and the last thing i hear from her is "NO HE'S NOT A FUCKING DRUG DEALER!!"


the other adventure i had was when i got the mail and there was one of the keys for packages..i walk over by the newspaper stand..thing and yesh..five big packages are laughing at me XP..it wasn't really a big deal..just made me sweat like crazy >.< once i get back to the house..Razz is breaking things with his mouth words and wakes mom up and say "oh shit" after putting the boxes and the mail on her bed..and of course she says "you didn't take the movies to the mailbox?" ...le sigh..and so i take Midori no Hibi and her movie back up to the mailbox..it wasn't so bad cuz it was a bit windy and a few raindrops came down...got the newspaper and crawled home

and i can't stop sweating..i think the heat nearly broke my brain =.=;; but i'm wide awake now so its hokies..and i r off to steal me some souls..just need like five or so more souls, level a little bit more, kill Graham dead with three specific souls and i can totally go on to the good ending..maybe then i can actually continue on with CotM O . o;;

whatevers..the lady parts are demanding pizza so i go

later whores

6:36 a.m. - Saturday, August 5, 2006


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