
Anime..Zombie Slaves..I Still Really Want Some Fucking Cheese And Crackers Dammit...

listening to: Melody, Legolgel X3
drinking: nada
watching: Matrix O__o;
thinking: yay food finally!

argfah..my stomach has been acting all wonky today and when i was modeling and painting the clay earlier i wanted to vomit...yay healthy!!!

i did have retarded dreams yesterday..i don't remember a whole lot, but me and this group of cops i think they were went inside a huge spooky mansion in the middle of nowhere (....Resident Evil? O____o;;) and yeshes..it was dark and spooky inside and infested with zombies and random wtf things..i was on the top floor and was ordered to get out, so i ran out of the entrance and got inside a van and some lady was inside and driving us away..apparently we were out in the country and surrounded by various farms and we were at some old decrepit hotel instead O . o; and we drove onto the main road and the sun was just coming up and it was all foggy (..foggy like a dementor orgy..XD) while we were driving past the farms, i started getting hungry and demanding cheese and crackers and i looked out the window to see zombies shuffling around in the farmfields..working O___o;; and the instantly i was walking along some park next to the beach and zombies were everywhere..but working...yay slaves! ever since that dream i've been wanting cheese and crackers like mad fucking crazy o_____o;;;

i don't remember what dreams i had today..but i know it was something retarded O___o;; oh yeah! the world was being flooded o____o;; and i was back in my old house and me, my sister Katrina, her husband and our sister in law were trying to survive the flood..and in the street under the water there were some wtf looking sea turtles and Katrina's husband Ryan went apeshit and dove under the water to catch them so he can eat O___o;; and at some other point i was in my sisters old bedroom on top of Sammeh-chan XD and there also a party going on too..someone was drawing me and Samu-chan all anime like on some board thing with uzumakis all over our bodies O . o;

yeshes indeed o . o;

grr i wish my stomach would stop being a whore =.=; but i r cooking dinner X< boneless chicken strips with garlic pepper and teriyaki chicken rice X3

i finally got the second disc to Gokusen..i loves its. i wanna poke Shin in the face ^.^ and when i woke up mom was going crazy over ebay cuz someone outbid her on something..i asked and she said i'm not allowed to know..a birthday something i suspect XP i'm still really debating on whether i should email dad back or not o___o; i kinda do but then i'm sure i'll get some other random idiot email back, him going on about vacationing in some random country with family and blah blah blah =.=** but oh wells XP if he never became the deadbeat he is now i would of never had happy friends i have now and be off to Nyu Jirando X< i would probably be in some random country inside a military base and being forced to do army things in college by deadbeat man and crazy mom O___o;; yeah..i like my life this way sir XP

mom got like five dvds come in yesterday that she bought for less than $1 O__o; and she got Animatrix..i never really cared for any of it but it was somewhat nifty. there was also a Anime and Manga history type thing on the extras bit..made me laugh cuz they were showing clips of Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Akira, Astroboy, etc.

and yeah...its sorta when you know when your in a crazy Japanese family when your arguing with your 50 year old mom of which came out first, Vampire Hunter D or Akira and her going on about "when i was younger and in elementary school, we had simple manga!" cuz they were showing the millions of different genres of it all....yay family O . o;

and i'm off to check dinner to make sure its not dying cuz i'd get yelled at >.>; happiness in a box

later whores

12:07 a.m. - Wednesday, August 16, 2006


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