
Yay The Subconscious Dies XP

listening to: The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, Cradle of Filth X<
drinking: that damn juice still XP
watching: some CSI thing
thinking: i hait ravioli now

its kinda been awhile since i last had a wtf dream and actually remembered it all..i know sometime last week i had a zombie one XP i guess teh subconscious has been building all the wtfness up and it exploded last night or something o___o;;;

it all started in the old house i grew up...like most of the fucking time XP..i ran outside and walked across the street to the house where my friend used to live. i went inside and everyone was asleep except for her mom, who was all old and crazy..she ordered me to go out and get her a newspaper and two boxes of pizza. so i went out to complete the quest and i somehow ended up in a swampland like place..and there was this serial killer guy running around wanting to kill me..and he had dead bodies strewn all over the place and buried everywhere o . o;;; and i was running away from there and hid in these bushes and shrubs and this nearly dead mutilated guy tries talking to me and i get freaked out and run far away XP

and i come to a bunch of farm fields and there's this rundown farm house where a group of Chinese people are being enslaved o__o;; so i go off and try to rescue them as well..by stealing fish o__o and i had to take off my bra and carry them in that o___o and while i'm doing that, anarchy is running around in the streets and the Chinese people are free XP

i get back to my friends house and everyone is still asleep, except this random little girl that yells at me to put the newspaper by the chair and the pizza on the counter and she gets all angry and challenges me to a duel o___o not pistols at dawn but Super Mario Bros. 3 on teh NES and she declares that she's gonna kick my ass..she beats some water level and when its my turn it changes to some wtf hybrid of Metroid and Doom and the creatures are all freaky and weird looking and i'm trying to get to the spaceship before it leaves me to die on the planet and all these random things are coming out of the walls o_____o and i'm shooting at the floor to kill some boss enemy thats in my way and the door opens up after it dies and i get inside my ship thats shaped like a metal pyramid o____o;;

and yeah..thats pretty much it O___o;;; the mind wins i swear XP nothing else is really going on except that i looked up some of the crematory places and mom says there's one on Sycamore Dairy Rd. but all i'm getting is some place in another town thats a half hour away called Stedman o__o;; but she's gonna talk to Katrina and figure out where she went to take Spiffy and Sukoshi X<

meows i don't think i'll be getting a kitty anytime soon for the next..7 years o__o i'm tired of my fluffy friends going bye bye XP i think once i'm with Samu-chan i'm just gonna get a fish and stick with that XP and get a friend in reptile form..i still really want a snakey X<

blah i hungry XP

later whores

10:11 p.m. - Saturday, October 28, 2006


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