
Snakey Snakey Eh? O____o;;;

listening to: tv making noise again XP
drinking: soda..yay acidic happiness!
watching: Wire In The Blood..i loves me some BBC entertainment X<
thinking: so le tired

dee dee dee..i r le bored XP

i actually kinda forgot aboot that damn huge dinner tomorrow night..well more like later in the night today..new years eve..you get the fucking idea XP i ordered some more stuff so i get more nummy books! i can't wait X3 just hope some of it gets here next week..i want mein Vampire Hunter D plz X<

speaking of books, i re-read Harry Potter #4 for the eighth time and i realized something aboot Chapter 33: The Death Eaters..Voldermort talks too damn much to himself o_____O; i mean i know he's explaining things to his little friends and emo Harry tied to teh gravestone but really o____o

Voldy got issues :0

and i've been dreaming about damn Harry Potter too much the last three days or so! there was this one dream that really freaked me out..kinda scared me a little yesh o__o;; its like those small things that happen and it gets to you and it won't go away O__o; yeshes XP but the next night..wtf o_____o;;;

it was all aboot Harry Potter..but it was like during 15th century o___o;; it was nightime of course and Ron was being angry..as always. he was going out with this one chick and demanded to be married right away and so the chick refuses..Ron kidnaps her mom and puts her in a cage..Mrs. Weasley is on her knees crying and freaking out cuz the chicks mom is her friend and doesn't want anything happening to her..Ron starts choking mommy and she dies and its all really graphic and wtf o_____o;; chicks mom is screaming and crying....happy!! and then it focuses on another group out by a field a bit away from whats going on, Harry, Hermione and..a few other people are talking to this guy thats behind this small fence..everyone is angry at this person who is extremely tall..the tall guy says that all he needs is 50 more people to gather and they can start a clergy..and he picks up some sand and starts throwing it over his shoulders mumbling "oh snakey snakey snakey snakey"......yeah he said it was supposed to summon them or some crazy crap...and the tall guy was talking about how everything will be great once this clergy takes control..and was talking about "there's worms in the ground, worm's in the trees, worms in the fruit" and he gets cut off from one of the old people standing by emo Harry and he say verily angry like "oh but there's worms in the flesh!!" and the tall guy goes "...oh..oh yes there are worms in the flesh most indeed" and walks over to this fruit tree except the fruit are human skulls O____o;;..he picks one off and rips it neatly in half and three giant grubs are inside, two falling and the tall guy watches the third digging into the brain inside

.........yay dreams! you make things go wtf in my life o___________o;;

and yesh..thats aboot it..there was another one with HP in it but i don't remember it all..something about emo Harry and Draco falling from the sky onto this island and one of them breaks a leg on some rocks and...stuff happens o___o if yaoi happened i dun't remember lol

ujdgfsrthujrjsj..gods i'm so thirsty..and bored..i suppose i'm going fishing on teh gaia now..or actually i'm gonna go play meh some Castlevania..its been awhile XP

later you whores

2:27 a.m. - Sunday, December 31, 2006


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