
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!!!!!!!!!!

oy well i is back again..nothing too new is going on. Brian is playing his Mega Man game, Timmy's watching him, Tommy's pissed off at his girlfriends mom, Brian's mom and Jose is in the back room doing only Satan knows what...arg i hear ugly noises...time to put music up to max......k thats better. anyways i got some pics of me step family down in Florida, saw some pics of my cousin Amy..seeing her made me miss her even more..i hate being away from her. i wish there was a way to get to her..maybe i should raise some money to visit her? arg, i don't know..i'm now in the process of sending her a snail mail letter. i should ask mom for the digital camera so i can finally send pics of me to her like i promised her this past summer. haven't talked to Cat in a while..wish i could but Jose is being an asshole about the computer. he bitches that he never gets on, so he hogs the damn thing from the time i wake up till whenever..and when someone is on he makes them get off saying he has something important to do...yeah playing retarded games on the computer is soooooo important..-_-

speaking of the asshole, this past Sunday night some shit finally went down. Brian got tired of being treated like shit by Jose and he at first talked to mom about it and she said to settle it with him, so Brian politely asked Jose to come in the back room to talk to him. (while this was going on i was in the room reading). next thing i know Brian comes into the room, slams the door and has the "almighty death look" upon his face. Brian says that Jose just walked away from him as he was trying to talk to the ass. Brian has a really big number one rule: he really really really really really really doesn't like being dis-respected in his house. and apparently his mom knows this too. Brian has already beat the shit out of some of her past boyfriends. she came in a litte bit later and calmly asked what happened. after that she leaves to go talk to Jose. a little while later she calls Brian out to the living room to settle the static in the air. i listened to the whole damn thing and Jose pratically manipulated Brian into thinking that Jose was innocent and would never try to give anyone any trouble...utter bullshit.....i still can't believe Brian fell for that. anyone could tell that it was bullshit!! but Brian has a weakness for that crap. there is no way in hell i would ever fall for that shit. at times when i actually use my fucking brain, its almost impossible to manipulate me. but Jose is a fucking prick, even Brian's mom comes out of the room and says that she can't believe that she's fallen in love with a worthless prick. he complains and bitches too much about the house not being clean at all times, he bitches that nobody here can cook (another reason why i've decided to go on strike cuz of that worthless bastard), everytime someone is playing nintendo he comes into the room sits down and bitches that he doesn't feel like watching someone play stupid games and constantly asks if he can watch a movie. (on Sunday night while i was trying to play my Sonic game he asked that like every fucking ten minutes..i was seriously about to fucking throw a very heavy and blunt object at his ugly ass face -_-). i really hope she leaves him or else either me or Brian is going to do something about it..i don't think we can stand this shit anymore..i definitely know i can't.......

in other words, also on Sunday night i had yet another dream..i was sledding down a really steep hill in some woods that i didn't know, singing at the top of my lungs. next thing i know i'm in some kind of junkyard. i started kicking some rocks around being bored. then i ended up kicking a skull..and it was no ordinary skull. i dropped down over the edge of the little platform i was on and i picked it up. it had two horns on both sides. at first i thought it was a goats but, goats don't have that long of a snout, nor 12 inch long sharp ass teeth. the skull was supported by a single stick and below that looked like a grave..a fresh one. next thing i know i hear gun shots in the back ground and i blacked out...

these Garou dreams are starting to piss me off..i have no idea what either one mean!!!! whatever the hell is happening to me better start making some fucking sense before i fucking lose it!!!!!

7:56 p.m. - Tuesday, December 28, 2004


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