
Merry Fucking Goddamn Christmas

well fucking laddy-da!!!....it snowed once again last night. i guess that's supposed to mean people thought it was a perfect christmas.....fuck that noise!! christmas sucked as always, although i did get some cool stuff. the only thing that i'm really hooked on is the new Game Cube and the Sonic Game. its so fucking cool but the racing is better than the whole fucking game. I'M FUCKING LOVIN IT MAN!!!!! other than that i got a really cool glow in the dark puzzle, some cute kitty slippers, a stuffed animal (a kitty of course), a shit load of candy, and four new shirts. I gots me a new Cradle of Filth shirt (and it damn right had Dani's face on it ^_^), a Dead Kennedy's shirt, a really cool Black Sabbath shirt, and my Cereal Killer shirt (heh it even has a little spoon on it ^_^). those were the only things that i thought kicked ass about christmas. other than that it kinda sucked...of course me and Brian got into yet another fight (there so boring). he said i wasn't giving him enough attention.....yeah whatever. i give him at least 16 hours of attention each day, it would be great if i could have a fucking break!!!!!!!!!!!!

and of course everything got ruined when we had a surprise..Jose said that he wasn't coming down for christmas...well....sometime in the afternoon guess who walked in the door...arg.....i didn't get to sleep until 5:30 in the morning and then of course i got woken up more than five times cuz Timmy had his retarded friend Reynolds spend the night so they can go to church..little fuckers skipped it and decided to play MY Sonic game....oh they had a rude awakening alright...

well tonight is the night that things are gonna be hell for a bit of a while. i can hardly contain myself.............

"My best cast scenario is hair everywhere but my eyeballs...Elongation of my spine until my skin splits...Teets..And a growing tolerance maybe even an affection for the smell and taste of feces..Not just my own...And then excruciating death....."

--Brigitte, Ginger Snaps 2

12:54 p.m. - Sunday, December 26, 2004


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