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well here i am awake on a fucking Sunday morning...blarg...i finally fell asleep yesterday around six in the morning..Brian made me sleep. of course i declined and told him i was wide awake. i am such a liar. i was sitting but half of me was leaning towards the right, my eyesight was faultering and i was drooling ::icky::. that and it was so nice and warm ^__^ usually i hate being warm but my mind and body state said fuck you, i'm comfortable. next thing i know i wake up to find the sun out and Timmy answering the door...fucking Christians from Timmy's church were asking why he hasn't been going lately. if only i were wide awake..i would of screamed, "CUZ HE'S FOUND SATAN!!!!!" but my brain said fuck you and i blacked out again only to be awakened by Tommy's bitching later on. so i grabbed Brian and we passed out in our bed.

i didn't wake up till nine at night cuz of Jose's dumbass. had the fucking tv up so loud..make it go away!!!!! i did cheer up when the cats were being playful and were running around the house..they ran across Jose's lap and he jumped up and freaked out...practically ran away screaming like a little girl. ^__________^ happy!!

other than all that everything else was normal i suppose. i watched Fuse for a while, watched Slave To Metal......damn i swear Juliya is fucking hot. I WANNA BE A SLAVE DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!! ::cough-cough:: right..anyways..for the first time i didn't realize that Happy Tree Friends showed on tv. sadly i caught the last few minutes of the show. i think it was only shown cuz it was the christmas special...i love that shit. cute cuddly animals being slain and butchered to death. kudos to the people who thought of that shit up.

::sigh:: can't really think of anything else left to say. i keep having dreams but the second i wake up i forget about them. and all of them have the same damn people in them..i confused. i also had this one particularly sad dream..me and Brian had our own place and i was in college and i was in the living room watching tv waiting for Brian to get back so he can drive me to school. someone rang the doorbell and when i answered the door...my bestest friend Chris was standing there wearing the same old long black trench coat, looking cuter than ever. except his blonde hair was fucking long!! and i mean long..he kinda reminded me of..uhh..dammit whatever the hell Malfoy's dad's name is from Harry Potter..and i remember me and him hugging cuz in the dream it was the first time i've seen him for so many years....and then i woke up.....fucking great...i goddamned depressed now....i miss him so much...out of all my friends i miss him the most....ah fuck it..i just leave now and kinda alter me profile since im so damn bored.

"You know what bothers me? People who want to know the time. They'll say, "Do you have the time?" And I say, "No. I don't believe I do. I certainly didn't have it this morning when I left the house. Could you possibly have left it somewhere? You know, now that you mention it, I believe the navy has the time. In Washington. They keep it in an observatory or something, and they let a little of it out each day. Not too much, of course. Just enough. They wouldn't want to give us too much time; we might not use it wisely." --George Carlin

6:32 a.m. - Sunday, January 30, 2005


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