
Trust Me!! I'm Not Crazy!!! @_____@

HOLY FUCK I CAN BREATHE!!! still sick but hell my nose isn't stuffy anymore..at least for the time being.

not a whole lot happening, just here at mom's house waiting for her to return from the store. i really hope she doesn't go nuts and buy sweet things..i'm really really trying to stick to that fucking diet..last night she gave me a bag of chips and i basically ripped it to shreds...::sigh::

anways i got a new plan for that Baphomet drawing..yeah i know i keep going on about it, but last night i tried designing and more different ideas kept popping up as i drew, ended up having to throw alot of paper away..so now i'm not even sure of what the hell i'm going to do..and then right when i was cooking dinner a idea popped into my head and this time i'm fucking sticking with it. i hope it turns out okay..i really don't wanna throw anymore paper away.

as of now i am trying to think of a way to earn $27. not a whole lot is coming to mind...i'm thinking groveling at my mom. or maybe she might pay me to do housework..hopefully...please....hell i can't wait to move to get a fucking job hopefully nowhere crowded so people don't have to stare, gawk and point and the little people screaming, "mommy that lady over there is freakin me out!! she's scary mommy make it stop!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!"

...oh the life of me...

arg..yeah..fucking head cold is making me insane..like having high school thoughts again..i think its really stupid how people think "goths" are attention seeking whores with the whole "anger" shit and the "angst" and the "i need to slit my veins wide open so people can notice me!"..such bullshit..well i do know that some people who claim to be do that..fucking retards. they really deserve to be put in the bouncy-room building. or even better, they wanna die just let them do it!..better yet let me do the killing!! they want help, let me be the fucking doctor!! like a doctor straight outa the goddamn Holocaust!!!! okay head-cold stop feeding me morphine...

enough of that shit..i'm pretty sure mom is home and Katrina wants on the computer now. i think i'm just gonna take some aspirin and lay down...yeah that seems safe..maybe get a piece of paper and do a rough draft of pretty Baphomet...

9:55 p.m. - Monday, May 9, 2005


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