
Sunday's Suck

listening to: Daft Punk
drinking: well i was drinking water till Brian decided to spill it on me!!!
watching: cats running around and ruining my stuff ::sigh::

goddamn it feels like fucking six in the afternoon and its still only noon. obviously i'm still not used to this waking up early bit.

nothing much happening here at the house. the momma woke up in a fit of rage and walked to the back room and hasn't came out yet..i think thats a good thing. Tommy's drowning himself while Timmy's at church (icky!!) and Brian, Alex, Michael, and little Shawn just left to go run around outside somewhere in the field. yes, Satan has bliss me with more quiet.

ugh still so sleepy..Brian woke me up around eight this morning, him playing that damn Zoids game. it wasn't the noise of the game, it was him pushing those goddamn buttons!! and i've been up since just fucking around on the internet, looking for something interesting to do. still haven't found anything entertaining so meh, think i'll just go play me some Metroid Prime 2 for a bit. heh when i showed Michael he was all jealous that i got it and freaked out when i said there's gonna be a third. i can't wait!!

ever since that E3 convention has been happening, i've been so fucking anxious about the new consoles. i really can't wait for that Nintendo Revolution to come out. ah yes, the next two years for the industry is going to be bitchin!! although yesterday when i was watching everyone play games, i was re-reading the two new GameInformer's, and unfortunately i found out that their gonna make a Doom movie with The Rock in it........


i hate that bastard so much..that and Van Diesel. heh when i said that, Michael, Brian, and Tommy were like "oh come on who have to at least like Diesel a little bit" and i said "hell no! when i watched Saving Private Ryan in my U.S. History class, everyone was groaning when he died in France, all the girls were whimpering and crying, but me NO!! i laughed as loud as i could! oh hell how i laughed!!!"

and to this very day, whenever the image of him laying down in the muddy rainy streets of ye olde France i still giggle.

arg. so bored, Tommy and Timmy are going to go join the rest of the boys in the field. guess that just leaves me with my music and whatever there is left to do..i really hate Sundays.

12:42 p.m. - Sunday, May 29, 2005


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