
Yup Its Nap Time

listening to: Michael and Tommy screaming random randomess things
drinking: nothin
watching: Michael trying to play Metroid Prime 2

Your element is Darkness. You are the truly evil
one with a black heart and no soul. People
avoid you since you cause so much trouble and
enjoy seeing others in pain. You would like
nothing more than to rule this earth and be
hailed by all. Everyone is annoying and stupid
anyway and are a waste of oxygen. You are
probably a cast-away from society and family
and have had a tough life where you learned to
live the hard way. Now you want revenge on your
pain and can no longer feel love nor care. You
do not wish to befriend anyone and you
certainly do not wish to be in love. As a
student of having learnt everything the hard
way, you tend to be manipulative when you want
something for yourself. In your head there is
only you that matters, and why shouldn't it? No
one cares about you so why should you? In
school you probably ditch classes and go
somewhere else instead of sitting in a
classroom. It is not that you are stupid,
because you're probably very smart, but
everyone annoy you. And having to sit in the
same room, breathing the same air as your
enemies is not desired by you.

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by Quizilla

nothing going on right now, just another Monday gone retarded.

i guess the momma and Jose finally broke up, not sure. things have just been really erg around here. i think i'm just going to go take a nap, if possible. only had like six hours of sleep. i went to my mom's house last night and i showed her the jinx.com site and she wants me to bring my SNES over so she can play Super Metroid. lol she used to be a gamer mommy but since dad left, she had to take two jobs and she gave up playing.

well thats it for now. i'll put something in here once things around here get interesting. although since if the momma and Jose are permanetly over, then i don't think we'll be moving to Pennsylvania. that and i think two of the cats are pregnant...dammit Corey. now he has to go get a job and support his offspring!

uh..yeah thats it for today.

5:00 p.m. - Monday, May 30, 2005


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Fuck This Game

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