
A Wonked Out Diseased Japanese Horror Flick With Hot Guys....Its A Keeper!

listening to: the hum of the computer
drinking: mom's soda :p
watching: my eyes watering up from bright fucking light from mom's lamp


looks like i won't be able to work on my diary for a bit. well i guess i could do some stuff, but i'm at my mom's house since people are hoggin up computer even though they promised that i could have a go on it. and my mom's computer is kinda slow and none of my pictures are on here. maybe if i go back home, go to sleep now and wake up early i might get a chance on it while people are sleeping. its a 1 out of 100 that that would happen -__-

but i did get to put two new things on here. as you can see the two new banners in the top right corner and the other below. and i would like to state that i am goddamn proud of it!! no i'm not a guy. yes i am bi (even though Brian says, "but your straight now cuz your gonna be with me forever") ::harsh sigh:: i love him, but sometimes i have no idea what to do with him :p but also to get back on the topic, i am very supportive for those who are homosexual, bi, lesbian cuz when i was like either 9 or 10, my mom had made a new friend named Paul who was also a teacher at the school she was working at. and he was gay and he was the most coolest person i ever known. fuck, i looked up to him! my mom had plenty of gay friends and they were the nicest, coolest people i've ever met. i just don't understand why people are against it. i had my discrmination in 11th grade when me and my chick showed affection on school grounds. i say to hell to homophobic assholes!

so whoever wants to come along and support with me, click on the upper banner, slap a webband on your website, and even join at the site. of course joining is optional but hell why not right?

nothin is going on but i did get to watch a creepy Japanese movie! its called Infection. and goddamn is it weird! i still don't really get it but its about this hospital thats not going so well, financially that is. most of the people aren't getting paid and just about everyone is quitting and so much is going on, they can't take anymore patients. but during the first bit of the movie, you'll hear this distress call over the radio, talking about some guy with a huge black rash covering his entire body, bleeding outa the head, etc. and during the late hours of the night the body arrived at the hospital, and the doctor is yelling at them to take it away, we can't have anymore people. the next scene this really really badly burn victim had fallen outa bed and i guess he was having a heart attack or some crap, only five people were working at the time and one of the nurses accidently gave him some kinda chloride stuff while the doctor was screaming for something else. the patient died and everyone decided that it was an accident but they didn't want to get in trouble. one of the doctor's said that the stuff well go away after 48 hours so they put the body in a empty room, surrounded it with heaters to make the body decay faster. later one of the nurses looks through one of the camera's and sees a body in the hallway. apparently the body was melting into chunks of green flesh (very nasty looking for the sqeemish, hilarious for everyone else). and of course its some wonked out virus and people are freakin out, especially when one of the nurses gets infected by it and starts bleeding green stuff out of her ears and they figure its an airborn disease.

basically everyone dies (lol one guy was bleeding like crazy from the head, screamin "IT HURTS!! MY HEAD IS GONNA BLOW UP!! LMAO!!!). but for some reason, its not really a physical infection. it has something to do with the mind. cuz the next day, one of the nurses comes in for work and she finds the doctor with a scalpel and she looks around at the dead bodies and instead of green blood stuff its red. so apparently the doctor had killed everyone. but once the police had cleared the bodies and etc. anyway, the nurse who came in that day cut herself and it was green, so she starts freakin out, starts screamin in the hallways and looks at the mirror and the blood is red. everything she sees that in reality is red is green and vice versa. so she knows she's insane and then it shows a clip of a room upstairs, some kinda utility room with three lockers and in the middle one, somebody is groaning and the green blood oozey stuff comes leaking out and the top left corner gets bent and you see a diseased green hand coming through and it falls off and oozes to the floor. the end.

sounds confusing!!!??? you goddamn right!! goddammit mom why can't you be here!! she explains stuff so much better...but its a really really good movie. i still want to see that one movie mom has on her que list for netflix. i think its called Living Hell. yet another weird creepy Japanese movie, about some normal teenage guy living with his parents and one day he wakes up, his parents are gone and some old woman and her granddaughter live in his house and they torture him. i don't really remember..its been a long time since i last looked at the description. i'll have to ask her if she could go ahead and get that now cuz i wanna know!!!

well i'm heading out now, its sleepy time....i better get the computer in the morning cuz i really need to work on this!!! ::sighs and mumbles about wanting laptop::

11:01 p.m. - Tuesday, May 31, 2005


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