
Bad Night, Boring Day

listening to: Corey snore
drinking: nothing (woke up with another soar throat -__-)
watching: one of the momma's home designing shows

well here i am feeling like crap again..fucking bed, that and Brian wouldn't stop rolling around on me while i try to sleep!!

last night was a big disappointment. i was at my mom's house and i was finished with the cast page, i put everything in and it wouldn't work for some reason. it just kept coming up like a normal entry. and i'm sitting there staring at it, just a tad bit ticked and thinking over and over..."wtf?" right now i don't even feel like messing with it, i'll wait till later. i'm hoping it was just my mom's computer being retarded but i don't feel like being disappointed again.

and speaking of last night, i wanna know what the hell crawled up into everyone's ass, cuz that's exactly what everyone was acting like towards me.
seriously! Brian kept getting pissed off at me cuz i was teasing him that Digimon was stupid. and he looked at me all serious and tried to get me angry by saying Metroid was stupid, as if i care! then he got really offended when i said he was acting like a six year old. and he walked away banging doors....
later he tried making up by hugging me. now everytime he tries to hug me, he always trying to knock me down, he has no balance at all! he just wouldn't back off and i at least tried shoving him towards the couch and he thought we were playing around and he grabs my chest! and his mom had the fucking nerve to say, "oh just kiss and go into the back room and fuck each others brains out to make up"

U-G-H!!!!!!! now i think i know why i'm bi! i am so sick of guys grabbing me there!!!!!!!

and so after i yell at him he stomps away outside, Tommy following him. i just grabbed some of my disks and went to mom's house to work on pics for the cast page. and before i was about to leave, my mom comes home and starts yelling at me and claims that i was the one with the additude problem...i still don't even know what i did..so she yells at me for 10 more minutes and i'm just sitting there on the bed only thinking of one thing, and thats to go away and find Jason or Kyle or someone from that damn neighborhood to talk to!!!!!....i was mostly thinking of Chris though.....

but i guess things are back to normal. they usually always go back to normal the next day. eck..normal...i hate that fucking word.

thats it i'm going away now. i need some alone time with my moozak. maybe the lyrics of Dani or Serj might make me happy again..

3:31 p.m. - Tuesday, June 7, 2005


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