
Another Day, Another Strain Of Emotion

listening to: silence...its fucking awesome...we need more silence in this house
drinking:..melted ice cream counts..
watching: the white static channel, a.k.a. the snow show

another boring day once again. i swear these summer days are becoming re-runs.

at least i have good news about Corey! his banged up paw is back to normal! i guess he did get bit by something. i gave him a bath yesterday to see if it would make him feel better. strangely enough he didn't struggle. he just sat there, slowly wagging his tail, looking around with this cute smile on his face. but of course like always, once he came out he wouldn't let me dry him. whenever he saw the towel he growled and ran away. thats my typical Corey...

and sometime during the evening, i found puss coming out. i was freaking out alot. then i ordered Brian to hold him down while i put peroxide on his wound. and thats when i noticed that he was bleeding from his other paw, one of his nails got ripped out!!

WTF!!!!!?????? poor little guy!!

but he's back to normal. he nearly killed me for my ice cream...

my friend Holly came over today. i kinda felt bad cuz i was still asleep when she got here. poor chick is pissed off cuz Billy, my blithering ex friend and annoying neighbor, said some shit about her. i'm not too happy about it either. but i have friends that can take care of it. she and her friend is coming back tomorrow so we can hang out some more.

i'm still trying to find ways to earn $35 for Friday. $10 for the movie and $25 for the concert....i really really don't want to miss Static-X!!!!!! i'm just afraid to ask the momma for money..i always feel like she'll yell at me or something. i just hate and not used to asking for money.

but this is an emergency...a very big emergency cuz i am not missing out on another concert that has kick ass bands!!!!!

it does kinda suck that Brian won't be going. i won't have anyone protecting me..and the guys hitting on me....::sigh:: but i'll be with friends at least. i have no idea who's all going. but i'm making sure i'm one of them!!!!

but enough blabbing about that..i had another zombie dream dammit. and i barely even read my book! i only read like three chapters! damn my subconscious!!

the first part of my dream actually kinda freaked me out. everybody died and became a zombie except for me and i was running around a city shooting dead things in the head. wasn't very exciting for me..but the second part was a bit confusing. everybody was alive again and we were traveling in a van going to this uber cool, Hottopic like store. my neighbor Amy was outside with her friends and she was wearing this cool blue skirt that sparkled and glowed. i was mesmerized!! but then we saw the moon. people were screaming and said to stay away from it, but me and friends ran to this field and stared at it. the moon was full and was outlined by fire. then the zombies came.

maybe i should stop reading Resident Evil stuff for awhile but..i wanna see what happens...

i really can't stand Jose being a asshole. he has the TV on so fucking loud and Brian is trying to take a nap...and Jose is too lazy to turn it down..and he's watching Sponge Bob.....i really hope he suffers something bad.

Adrienne and Justin came over last night and she gave me this beautiful CD to burn..i've never heard of Amon Amarth before, but the last time i was at Justin's house, they were blasting it...its so fucking beautiful.

i think the only thing thats keeping me together this week is the music. music is everything to me. the words, the speed of the music, the distortion in the voice, pounding of the drums, the hum of the bass, the wild screams of the guitars...all of that creates an emotion that brings me peace no matter whats going on in my presence.

i must go to this concert..maybe then i would be satisfied for feeling free for a change..then maybe i can be happy again.

5:41 p.m. - Monday, July 11, 2005


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