

listening to: my dog barking at a wall >__>
drinking: nada
watching: CSI, not really paying attention though

well what is there to really say now..nothing really. this week has been boring and fucking sssssllllllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww

it still sucks that internet and stuff hasn't been turned back on, and now the cable company are being cunts again this time giving us a $800 bill...hmmm it is still technically the full moon..i think i'm gonna take a walk and have a friendly conversation with Time Warner.....

other than that bullshit, last night i was out and having funtime with Adrienne, Katie and Brian at the mall and movies. i admit, it was good to be out and about for a change. its better than sitting at home, doing nothing and playing Mario Sunshine for endless hours @___@

fucking hell! Adrienne bought this adorable fucking doll called Hardcore Harry. i want a Hardcore Harry very badly, they must bring more for i command it!! its so cute, he even has a wrench! and a black bandana with a skull on it and tattoos and chains and cute red buttons for eyes and one is cracked and looks like a lightning bolt! lol Voldemort attacked Hardcore Harry!!

after sniffing countless candles in the candle shop we left for the movies and watched The Devils Rejects.........HOLY SHIT IT WAS FUCKING GODDAMN AWESOME!!!! i fucking swear, when that fucking movie comes out on DVD, i shall buy it and watch that chick get run over by the truck over and over and fucking over for many hours!!! i hope there's another one cuz it kinda ended being like that. i'll admit the ending made me depressed but happy all at once. i loved the way how they just kept fighting, going out in a blaze of glory!! fucking goddamn awesome...

well sadly enough that is all from this week. told ya it was boring. i really wish something interesting would happen. but my dreams haven't failed me!!

lets see..there was Jason repeatingly coming after me with his machete. it was weird. Jason playing the role of Michael Myers..don't ask cuz i still don't know the answer just yet.

i think Monday or Sunday night, i dreamed that me, Adrienne, both Katies and Benjamin were out camping. we just came out from the camping grounds store. i was standing in the moons light, holding bags of food while some guys were getting drunk, yelling at us, falling out of their trucks..but we kept walking down this really wide dirt road towards our cabin, singing Mudvayne o___O and then after a while, we spotted one of the drunken guys walking by the woods, bare naked. and i saw that he parked his huge shiny red truck in some old mans garden. now for some reason this really really really pissed me off. i let the friends walk on without me and next i shifted and started running towards naked boy barking like mad crazy. lol he freaked out and climbed up into a tree and i kept running around barking, soon others joined in on the fun. it was awesome.

then on Thursday night i had a dream...not sure what the fuck happened but only one image was in my mind when i woke up up...kept thinking about tearing into someone's leg, making the blood spill, etc.

well as of now Adrienne is at the door so i must get away, hopefully this time i can get drunk and not some weak fucking buzz!!!!!!!

later bitches

11:04 p.m. - Saturday, July 23, 2005


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