
Some Wonked Out Dream The Spooky Tree Gave Me T____T

listening to: Abiotic
drinking: nada
watching: nada

well people it finally happened!! i got so fed up with crap i went out into the field to relax and i fell asleep!!! i woke up feeling all icky and was wondering where the hell i was at..then i looked around..staring at the huge tree in front of me..leaves and grass in my hair..

i also had a fucked up dream..i was a guy for some reason x___X..and the love of my life was moving away with her huge family that really really hated me. and so we started chasing each other in cars and people behind me were freaking out screaming at me cuz my license plate said OZZFEST on it >______>;;;;;;;; and then later by the time we got to the freeway my car had disappeared and i was running after them..i was lost and tried to figure out where they would move to and then i remembered where me and the chick first met...out in some field by a lake so i ran all the way there...and ended up inside of a museum cuz there was something else important i needed to do there >___>;; so before i went through some double doors a guard was walking by and came into the room i was in..and he was completely oblivious that i was there...that is until i tried to hide behind something and he kept looking at me and saw that i wasn't a exhibit >___> i got up and ran off or tried to at least, he grabbed my shoulder and asked if i wanted a drink and so we both sat down and drank and i was playing some retarded game on his gameboy..it looked like some retarded wonked out Metroid game >________________>...i think that was it..

yeah..sleeping outside in a field by spooky trees does weird things to your subconscious..



Seven Things That Scare You:
1. lonliness
2. country music
3. bugs..mostly spiders T__T
4. zombies (i don't care if they're slow!! they're creepy)>____<
5. late night Walmart people
6. public
7. certain spooky trees

Seven Things You Like The Most:
1. friends XD
2. my pets and any other animal
3. death metal and punk m/>_____4. asian horror movies XD
5. collars and wristbands with spikes ^__^
6. anime, manga, books and graphic novels XD
7. stars, sunsets, moonrise and moonsets ^____^

Seven Most Important Things In Your Room:
1. my clothes
2. my stereo
3. my posters
4. my computer
5. my window cuz it faces towards the east so i can watch the moonrise XD
6. my futon
7. my books

Seven Random Facts About You:
1. i'm a GOTH!! XD
2. i'm a PUNK!! XD
3. i'm a GEEK!! XD
4. nobody loves me cuz of that too >___>;;;
5. i love music and art
6. i love to make a ass of myself in public XD
7. when i make a ass of myself in public i tend to become hyper and yell random things that usually don't make any sense XD

Seven Things You Plan To Do Before You Die:
1. hopefully somehow work in the gaming industry XD
2. write a story that doesn't suck >____<
3. have the worlds most fucked up wedding with someone that i love and would totally agree with me on it
4. have offspring @___@
5. become a badass grandma
6. have a vacation on the moon with the Mooninites x____X
7. go to fucking Ozzfest!!!!

Seven Things That Attract You To The Opposite Sex:
1. black hair
2. piercings and/or tattoos
3. same taste in music, extra love points if they play instrument ^___^
4. goatees ^__^
5. takes the time to appreciate my cooking >__<
6. loves anime
7. loves to cuddle and watch the sunset, the stars and moonrise while playing "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" on the guitar and then kisses me T_____T

Seven Things You Say The Most:
1. "Plutonians Are Teh Suck!!" XD
2. ::sings:: I have a lovely bunch of coconuts, twiddle dee dee...
3. "I Told You Once, I Told You Twice, You Don't Get No Fried Rice!!!!" XD
4. "GTA MUTHA FUCKA!!" x___X
5. ::sings:: Orange juice raped my father, so that makes him gay..cuz orange juice is a male.. XD

Seven Celeb Crushes (either local or foreign):
1. Dani Filth ^___^
2. Shagrath ^___^
3. Corey Taylor ^___^
4. Gerard Way ^___^
5. Jello Biafra x_____X
6. Rolly XD
7. Megumi Hayashibara XD

Seven People To Pass It On To:

er...here people take it!!!! x___X

oy..think i'm gonna go listen to some moozak and go through some of my stories..

later bitches

9:19 a.m. - Monday, September 12, 2005


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