
And Here We Go Again Goddammit!!!!!!!!

listening to: the a/c and my mind blanking out
drinking: water
watching: the sun burn my eyes x__X

..i hope my mom isn't pissed off..i kinda left the house without letting her know where i was going ^__^;; thats always a bad habit of mine once i'm through with a relationship..i always end up disappearing for long periods of time..::sigh:: i don't really mean to do it, its not like i want her to worry like hell..its some kind of instinct of mine to run off somewhere when i feel worthless :/

but anyways..the drive was pretty fun..we left during the afternoon instead of night so it wasn't all foggy like last time >_>;;

me screaming from the first trip to Wilmington: ONOES THE DEMENTORS ARE BREEDING!! DEMENTOR ORGY!!! (sticks arm out window) MUHA!! I AM NOW CURRENTLY FEELING UP ON DEMENTORS!!

Adrienne: and you know a couple of them are screaming "OH HELL YEAH!"


yesh we're special and damn proud of it!!

but this time we were mostly rocking out to SlipKnoT, random songs from various bands like System of a Down...Dead Milkmen...Orgy..one Dragon Ball Z song x__X....dammit..i think that was it >_>;;;

oy..when we got here after awhile..i was on the computer for a little bit but then damn..something just wasn't right..my eyesight was getting blurry all over again and i was having hot and cold flashes (no not the usual kind >_>) and a insanely massive headache..i said fuck it and went to sleep..it was like only ten..and goddamn that slight sickness made it quite uncomfortable to sleep..i was getting dizzy and everything was spinning..not happy german funtime...

but i sure had me some fucked up dreams all over again.....

this time i wasn't Bulma and Vegeta's daughter...i was Goku and Chichi's daughter >_> and we were at a festival..and i challeneged my otousan to a eating contest..and a certain person was also in this dream...i'm not really sure why..and i don't remember much of what happened after that >_>;;

second dream..was me, Adrienne, i think Anthony and once again..my certain friend in the dream..we were all in middle school standing in the gym taking turns throwing heavy metal balls and one another...Dodgeball for retards i suppose...we just stood there eating candy XD and then getting in trouble >_>;;

third dream me and my sisters were at Food Lion but was big enough to be a Walmart..and for some reason my sisters were uberly famous..and i was shopping with them making sure people stayed the hell away from them..and people found us and instantly they became zombies (.......nani...>_>;;;;;;) and so came the long hard battle against pissed off zombies again! we made it to the front and there was someone i had forgotten to rescue, i yelled at my sisters to run away and off i go back into the store crawling with icky no-no zombies..but for some reason..everything changed back to normal once i was inside..and this normal little boy threw a can of spaghetti o's at me x_____X and someone told me to lock up the store cuz apparently i worked there as well and before i did this chick came up to me and started hugging me crying..(she was pretty damn cute too ^_^;) but i guess we were a couple and she freaked out cuz i wasn't there to pick her up (....wtf...)..i brushed the hair out of her eyes and kissed her forehead and told her not to worry about anything...and then suddenly Jason comes out of nowhere and kills us...

the fourth dream turned out to be some guy dreaming about that third dream..he was sitting at a dining table thinking about said dream and then out of nowhere Jason comes from behind him and chops him up pretty fucking badly (i can still hear the screams echoing >_>) and then his legs started twitching as he lay on the floor..then they stopped and a puddle of blood came oozing beneath him....

fifth dream was once again the same guy dreaming about that fourth dream that dreamed of the third dream (you still with me here?? x__X;;) this time he was in his car with his friend..it was nightime and raining just a little bit. the guy's friend wanted to leave but the guy said "no i haven't seen his face yet" and out of nowhere Jason comes up and slams his face against the window without his mask on. the guys freak out and drive away..they were on a high mountain by the sea so they were speeding all the way down while the police chased them..and for some reason at one point..the car changed into a horse..knocked over a police car and some policemen and the horse jumped off the side of the cliff..and the horse and the guys drowned.......

the end

::sighs and raises hand:: TECH SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!

i really don't get it but thats my subconscious for ya..

anyways..i think soon we're gonna be stalking the mall..::squeels:: oh i hope and pray some cute guys will be there...i hope there's a Hottopic there =__=



if you know the song Institutionalized by the great Suicidal Tendencies you'll know what i'm talking about x__X

blarg..well i guess i'm going away now, make me some ramen and hook up the Gamecube..play around with my chao babies with Shadow and Sonic, run people over in my Simpsons game and kick some ass with Samus and talk to people on yahoo

yesh the life of a geek is damn fucking good

w00t bitches!!

1:57 p.m. - Monday, October 3, 2005


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