
Wow..A Actual Good Day Out In This Fucking Town @_@

listening to: animals fighting =___=
drinking: ice water ^^
watching:...not sure if i wanna watch anything yet >_>;

oy...i don't feel so good right now T_T

yesterday i felt perfectly fine but now..arg..i'm falling apart!!!! i guess from all that headbanging and walking around yesterday caught up with me or something cuz when i woke up from mom shutting the front door, all my muscles were screaming "YOU DUMB BITCH LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO US!!!!!!" x_____X

i'm also cold >_< i like the cold but for some reason its been bothering me lately..no fair!

yesterday was a fun day..a very very happy day cuz yeah...me and Adrienne saw many many fine items that needed to be purchased..very many XD

first we went to teh Musik Hut...::drools:: i love this store so goddamn much..thousands upon thousands of beautiful metal/punk cd's..beautiful shirts in the back with sexy Dark Funeral, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse and etc. on them..posters, stickers and patches on the walls!! buttons, spikes, dvds!!! in the glass case!!! fliers for concerts at teh Jester's Pub...goddamn...that store is the ultimate in sexy..i would love so much to bring Sam-chan there..he would be most pleased ^^ i could just imagine him skipping around like a little kid in a candy store!!! XD THATS SO FUCKING CUTE!!!1

hee and Adrienne got me my long lost favorite Cradle of Filth poster..ehehehehehehehehehe its on my door right now..its a nun getting fucked by Satan from behind, him groping her boob and says GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN...everytime i look at it i'm quickly reminded of Sam-chan and thinking ".....hell beans that looks like fun..." XD

yay happy!

she also bought three spikes..i was hoping one of them would fit the fucking screw on my spiked armwarmer to replace my missing child but but..it wouldn't fit!! i was a sad panda very much so..but she put in her new System of a Down self-titled cd..this was the first time i ever got to listen to this cd..and goddamn its beautiful!!! already one song has grown on me so fucking much..hee hee hee..SUGAR!!! XD

after that we traveled to the mall and goddamn we were pissed off..tried going into Hottopic but since its getting so close to Halloween everybody and they're fucking momma has to go to the "spooky store" and buy crap for them to look stupid....fucking humans who the hell do you think you are!!!??? ::shakes fist::..got yelled at by people cuz i was in there way >_< but at least my good friend Jason still works there..thats very cool..everyone who was working there were dressed up..Jason wearing a priest costume. he saw my baphomet shirt that i was wearing and said he was going to paint that on his face..put a upside down cross on the white part of the collar...i giggled..i definitely want fucking pictures..hee there was this one chick dressed up like a faery..::squeels:: she was so cute! and her makeup was damn beautiful..wish i had gangsta makeup skills like that x______X..ok another thing i promise to never say again....

we left there and went to teh video game store..nothing happened, too boring..so we went to the bookstore! and sat down in the back upstairs part and looked at sex books! woohoo!! Adrienne bought this S&M book..forgot what it was called..but i definitely wanna read it when she's done..i was bored looking at the position a day for the whole year book XD..very interesting things i must say...heehehehehehe..especially for November 9th.....lalalalalalalalalalalaaaaa

gods i'm a geek XD

we left to go back to Hottopic and see how things were doing there..luckily alot of people went bye bye so it was all good..::drools:: i saw sexy boots!!! and cute ones with kitty heads with whiskers!!! and that damn sexy System of a Down shirt with them on the clock is mocking me!!!!!! i want it so bad..i don't even know why..it just looks so..desirable >_>; i kept poking Jason in the stomach and sides and chest..him retaliating by screaming at me in his wonked out Arnold Swarzennager (HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SPELL THAT BASTARDS NAME!!!!????) voice..hee Adrienne bought two fishnet shirts, a black one and a pink one..

we left to go to Barnes and Nobles for her to put it on..she said it only goes up to her boobs....i want one now lol

after that we left for Krystal's house...now i knew she lived in the same neighborhood as niichan does..but i had no idea that she lived right across from his fucking house!!!!!!!!!! i was freaked out, so tempted to go knock on his door..but yeah..i don't know..i haven't heard from him in so long and i know he's depressed as all hell about leaving the band and stuff..i just didn't wanna bother him..not now at least..plus his parents are major nazi's..and i also don't even know if he still lives there >_>;..blah i don't know..anyways..we went inside and stayed in Krystal's room while people had happy funtimes in the living room area..hee i had my head resting on Krystal's leg cuz my fucking neck was hurting a bit and she petted me and scratched me..it felt really good..but i wanted it to be Sam-chan!!!

meow..i really missed him alot yesterday..still do now >_< my sweet sexy Sam-chan!!! goddamn i love stuff so very much ^^

lets see..we left from there, Adrienne said it was exactly 9:59...i did need to go back to my house and clean before mom got home but..meh..i wanted to waste more time to make the damn day go by faster..so i said screw it..it can wait a bit longer!! so we did the reasonable thing!! go to teh sexshop!!! woohoo!! we win! hee very many desirable fine items...yesh indeed lmao there was this one collar..with spikes and a padlock on it..so fucking beautiful!! that is until i looked at the price. goddamn $60!!!!!! i wanted to cry!

but thats okies..i'm getting a pretty spikey collar from Sam-chan ^^ i'm gonna treasure that collar so fucking much..mainly cuz its from Sam-chan ^^ he makes me so fucking happy! really can't wait till he's here so i can make him happy!

there was this one drinking/stripping game that actually looked kinda cool lol

after that we went to Taco Bell for dinner..lol..fucking Roybertito's is playing in my head..gods that shit is so screwed up..i love it!! poor Dr. Tran!! he gets all the abuse!!


we decided to go back to my house since it was past 11:00..which means mom would either be home already or just getting home >_<;; we stopped at the front of the neighborhood cuz Billy and Dustin were standing there being..well retarded like always >_>; i got up for a sec out of the car to show them my baphomet shirt..Billy called me a bitch and Dustin said no fair..Billy also demanded for me and Adrienne to give him my spiked collar and her spiked wristband..we said "no mas"...they wanted me to go smoke out with them..i declined cuz me no do that no more! i'm a good girl!! and good girls get drunk!! x___X

we actually made it before my mom..fucking amazing..which was very fucking good cuz my dumbass forgot to turn off the computer >_<;;;;;;;;; so i cleaned up real fast..grabbed teh SlipKnoT cd and ran off once again into the night headbanging and screaming out lyrics XD


we drove around in a big fucking circle..and went into Walmart lol..afterwards i started to get sleepy so it was time to go home and rest..i was really amazed that i didn't get yelled at when i got home. guess she was in a good mood..???

i went to my room for a bit to rest..put my beautiful Cradle of Filth poster on my door..i'm thinking about moving it onto the ceiling above my bed lol such a beautiful image to wake up to XD i started to think that maybe i should go ahead and start getting big posters like that and putting them on my ceiling..hehehehe..wonder what mom would say =/

i layed down in my bed, listening to Static-X for a bit..got bored and went on the computer and talked to my sexy sexy Sam-chan ^^ i didn't get to talk to him for long cuz his flatmates were having a party..hee he was wearing a pink shirt..thats so cute!! i wanted to be there and drink with him...and and..lock ourselves in his room after a bit of drinking and listen to..."I'm With Stupid" XD..or actually i would love to be with him while listening to "My Mercy" from Coal Chamber ::sigh::..i wish he was here now dammit!! lol

my poor baby was venting last night too..i didn't mind cuz its good to get stuff out..but the things that he said made me so sad..i wanted to be there with him and hold him...he's such a sweet loving guy..he doesn't deserve that bullshit..i wanna hold him now >_<

i hope he had a good time last night ^^..me on the other hand was a bit bored cuz..its been so long since i went to sleep that early! lol going to sleep at 3:30 in the morning!!! yay nonhumaness!!! i cooked me a pizza and sat on my bed, listened to moozak, and looked around at my posters..mostly my SlipKnoT ones..me and Adrienne have found something out really really interesting...we're not trying to be mean to cute adorable Joey Jordisan but..in all the posters that i have..and i have alot of fucking SlipKnoT posters @[email protected] just looks...weird..he's always looking so..femaleish..like gay almost..not that its a bad thing!! if Joey is gay..than that just makes him more of a cool kid!!..blah..even so i would still have a crush on him no matter what..he's too sexy XD lol..and all the pics with Mick in them..he looks like such a angry panda..makes me giggle XD

i <3 Slippy XD

i finally fell asleep and my dumbass forgot about my makeup..so yeah..my eyes are burning into my skull..damn my eyes!!!!

hee Corey-chan is drinking out my cup..he's so cute..i'm gonna have to give him a bath soon ::shudders:: that should be fun T_T

i quote Adrienne's 4 year old nephew...(i think he's four >_>;;):

"you don't have to die"

well i shall now get away and do..something...ooh ooh!! i know! daydream about my sweet sexy Sam-chan!! thats always fun! XD ::sigh:: he makes me so fucking happy ^^ arg! can't wait!!!


1:54 p.m. - Saturday, October 29, 2005


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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