
21 Years Out Of The Womb...Yay Death!!!

listening to: Sister September, Anorexia Nervosa
drinking: some really wonked out soda..strawberries and cream O___o;;
watching: The Wire
thinking: another year closer to death...squee!!

well yesh..today was happy indeed ^.^ at least its alot better than last years birthday thats for damn sure O___o;; but i r very pleased with how today went..even though i slept through teh majority of it but eh..

i gots teh talk to teh Sammeh-chan all morning until we talked on the phone, my headache was breaking me so i took a bath..went back to the room and worked on some of the clay stuffs that i'm making, tried sleeping, turned on Cruachan and tried sleeping some more and rolled over and silently screamed at the ceiling, got up and came on here XP

dad had sent me another gift certificate for amazon.com..this time $100 o . o; and yesh..i am very pleased with the shiny new items i'm getting..12 books XD honestly..books for a present is the most smexiest thing you can ever give to me X3 lets see i r getting:

*replacing all Harry Potter books XP i was happy that it all came in a set for $32.something something, even though its all in paperback..i looked for hardback and it was over $100..so yesh, beggers can't be choosers goddammit! ^.^;;

*Resident Evil vol. #5 and replacing vol. #6, that series is complete X< i really wanted to get the Resident Evil Archives book..but it say that if you haven't played the games then forget it and yesh..i have never played it, for back in the day i was piss scared of zombies..but now that we've come to an agreement i can't get my paws on teh damn numminess XP so boo! but one day..i shall have it all and be a happy zombie whore X<

*Vampire Hunter D vol #3 and #4...i had no fucking clue there was even a #4 out O_______o;;; there's even #5 and #6 on there but they have yet to be released so boo XP but the cover for #6 is smexy X3 he's on teh pretty horse looking all smexy XD..me thinks next time teh opportunity for nummy items from there i'm getting the artbook of VHD cuz yeah..geekiness is happiness

*teh complete series of JTHM..cuz i still haven't read past vol #2 and it was aboot time i just got on with it XP

*Fairytales and Nightmares vol #2, which is really smexy cuz this second book completes it and i really can't wait to read its XD i really love how the lady takes all fairytales and twists it around to make it all gothic and spooky and romantical..like for instance..it say that she took Little Red Riding Hood and made the wolf a handsome guy to rescue a poor chick from her abusive family..and i'm really looking forward to reading her version of Beauty and The Beast, a forbidden love between two women...yay nummy XD

and yesh..i'm very happy with the books, although i really wanted to get Sammeh-chan something cuz i wanted to dammits >.<;; i looked for Dodheimsgard moozak and no stores were selling them o__o;;; people were but nein stores...you lie you fucking guy..i also wanted to get Robot Chicken..cuz its just smexy like that and i still haven't seen the episode where Darth Maul gets shot in the face!! X< but yeah..it was too much so boo to that sir

there were three other books i was looking forward to getting as well but they were all too much and the main one i was totally looking forward to getting so i can get working on completing that series was Armistead Maupins "Tales of the City"...all i wanted was vol #2 but nein stores were cooperating with me and laughed at me...hait!! the other ones were Castlevania....XD i have no idea if the minicomic series thing is just in that one book..or there's more i have nein information on that O__o; so i figured next time..that and it was too much so it was a lose/lose situation XP...i wanted to scream when i looked up Castlevania on there too..the first thing to pop up was Dawn of Sorrow...i would love to have that shiny item..i would also really really love to have that shiny item that you need to play the fucker on!! why you no love me ds? T.T;

the other book i wanted to replace was Clive Barkers Books of Blood...i really really want that book back, Clive Barker is a fucking god and is the ultimate in smexy..one day goddammit X<

and yesh..that was the end of my crazy shopping for today XP i really can't wait for it all to come in X3 i also got one of those e-card things from dad but it says its from Larissa, my little half sister...my sisters want absolutely nothing to do with the family..i also would love to see dads wife die numerous times, preferably tortured beyond insanity resulting to bloody gorey deaths..^.^ but its not the kids fault so i'm there for them if they ever need it i guess = /

mom had left for the store and came back with keki..even though i didn't really want it but its all good XP she got chinese food too XD and gave me the $20 O . o; but it makes me happy cuz now i know i have more than enough to start that savings account..i'm really happy how things are turning out cuz yesh..me want out of here soon plz XD

mom also bought me Vampire Hunter D on dvd and is trying to look for Bloodlust but people are being idioths aboot it..i'm just happy i'm getting some of my stuff replaced..its happy, i'm happy..we're all fucking happy! X3

the only thing i'm not happy aboot is my fucking cartiladge piercing is bleeding in the back =.=* boo to its..i really need proper cleaning stuffs for it XP

i've been trying to look for my families coat of arms too o____o;; i was looking for Sammeh-chans cuz his last name is apparently rare O . o; heheh Coughlin..smexy X3 and i can't remember what mein looks like o__o mom has it on a notebook somewhere in her closet..its driving me crazy cuz i wanna knows @_@ i used to stare at it when i was little..i remember the colors at least! its blue and red..and the shield is in the middle and on both sides there's two animals..a lion and a horse i think....i'm probably wrong..maybe it was a stag o___o dammit memory i hait you!

i also remembered one of the dreams i had..something about me being in the last house and standing by the fence, being all sneaky about something and hiding from passing cars...it suddenly became nighttime and a car parked in the driveway in the house across from mein..and the guy got out and saw me and started running after me and i started running towards the trees to go into the woods..and i ran into a wooden fence O__o;; smrtness!! and he caught up to me and he said "come on lets go into the forest" and he took a sword out from hammerspace and yeah O_____o;;; we walked into the woods and it turned into streets and like part of a city o . o;; and we walked into a bar like place..and it turned out to be where only army people are allowed in and we ran out cuz it was past our curfew and we would get in trouble o__o and we ran into another store where people were having a party..and the lady..the hostess i think was keeping my Kuronekosama hat cuz it had powers O______o;; and i got drunk or something happened.....

and in another dream i was standing outside of an apartment window and Sammeh-chan was sleeping..i was playing some Mario game on teh gba and i glanced out the window..and the scenery outside was the exact same as the Mario scenery of the area i was at..including the question block!!

meows..well its been a fun happy 21 birthday..i'm just looking forward to reading teh smexiness that is aboot to come and getting money stuffs and passport straightened oot....that and still trying to figure oot Sammeh-chans presents...black, silver and purple..wtf!!! X<

i'm off to drown and eat the nummy chinese foods and kill meh some nazis listening to the bee-yoo-tiful black metals X3

later..and to all who say happy birthday to meh, i love youse all bunches..you dirty dirty whores! muah!

10:53 p.m. - Sunday, August 20, 2006


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