
Into The Danky Doom!!

listening to: The Sexuality of Bereavement, My Dying Bride
drinking: nada
watching: nada
thinking: lol..my family is stupid like rocks

oy my sleep is all retarded again XP that and i wanna throw my alarm clock against something hard and make it bleed cuz yeah..its being a lame ass and not doing what its told =.=;

but other than that one of my books came in today XD i was half asleep playing the Mario and Luigi rpg game thing and i kept hearing this knocking O . o; damn ups man get a real job! but i got me my second Fairytales and Nightmares book and meows its pretty ^.^ so far my favorite story is Little Red Riding Hood and..the first one..uhm..the ghost man thing...yeah brain works good!

mom hasn't gotten up to get the mail so i don't know if there's any other of my stuff up there..it be nifty X3

and something shocking has happened today as well..my great aunt..or..actually i have no idea how she's related to me..i think she's my great grandma from the dads side...so you know she's a crazy Swedish lady O___o;; but she's the rich one that everyone was waiting to die so they can get moneys..stupid family..at least she reached her 100th birthday a few months ago so thats good. i'm not grieving cuz i never got to really know her but i do feel bad for everyone else who is. the one thing that makes me angry is that i get $4000...and mom's taking $1500 away cuz she can and is holding a grudge from four years ago cuz she's a bitter old bitch as well. a part me doesn't give a shit, $2500 is good enough, but the other side just wants to scream and say back the fuck off of the money cuz i pretty much need most of it to gtfo of here but there's nothing i can do...except get kicked out most likely if i say no XP

i finally started getting more into the Doom craze and everytime i close my eyes, they ish coming after me and make me bleed red water @.@ and now i know how this finally feels @__@ and i finally know how damn important shotgun shells truely are o_____o

but after..freaking out over one level cuz the things wouldn't stop throwing green stuff at me and coming out of the walls...@[email protected] started playing ze Mario and Luigi and i finally got past that one part that was getting le annoying o__o and now i'm aboot to go fight that Wiggler guy X<

and meows..i had a real wtf dream..

i was in my old house again that i grew up at o . o; and there was a huge storm starting to happen and i was looking outside trying to figure out wtf was going on..and it was a tornado and it was right next to me and it killed my wall and all i had to hang onto was my pillow and i started screaming to make it go away and it did..leaving a huge crack by the window and the floor and i was freaking out cuz my cat Fuzzbeau was sleeping on the windowsill but he was perfectly fine and snoring away..but i was traumatized!! i ran outside holding my pillow and screaming and crying and everyone ignored me..XD and i remember screaming at the sky cuz i was scared..i think i was like 13 or something in the dream O___o;; and i was screaming for Father to make it go away and make it not do it again cuz tornados are scary bastards o . o;;; and then i got fed up and went next door and my old neighbor Karen was just waking up and i told her what happened and she wrapped a blanket around me and told me to start talking about normal stuff while the storm passed away..so i started talking about music and that i liked stuff O___o;; and then i looked outside and there was a old people couple looking for me to make sure that i was hokies O . o;; and somehow i ended up inside my mom's car o____o and i got up and ran to the backyard..and there were no fences around and there were a whole bunch of trees and shrubbery O__o;; and damn Razz was running around and had a green collar on him..for fucking once and my room wall was basically torn away and all my stuff was hanging out on the ground..i followed this little stream to my mom's room and told her what happened..she said "oh wow thats so strange cuz i was just dreaming about being inside the car that was half way filled with water and there were scissors inside the cupholder..." how thats supposed to be the same as being attacked by a tornado..i don't know o . o;;; but she handed me a dvd..a Family Guy dvd and told me to put in the christmas special one...alls i remember was Peter and Brian stealing food and cupcakes O__o and Quagmire just standing there dressed as a elf looking all duh o . o;;

mews..well i'm going away agains cuz teh Sammeh-chan ish home X< damn smexy man in teh life is so damn goods X3 muah!

later you dirty whores

1:50 a.m. - Thursday, August 24, 2006


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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