
Gods I'm A Geek...I No Regret X<

listening to: nada
drinking: yay juice!
watching: Dead Zone O . o
thinking: i've finally fallen over that boundary between geek and zomgawoarsdfa o . o

oy i gots a headache o__o; and i know people are tired of hearing that the zomg crocodile hunter is dead..meh his fault for fucking around with animals

nothing much has been going on, just playing Castlevania and Metroid, reading Harry Potter endlessly and watching Samurai Champloo with teh smexy Sammeh-chan..<3

i'm also thanful that Corey is getting better..he's not slamming himself against random objects and the cabinets while walking..although when he tries to walk straight he goes off somewhere to the left and right and gets confused, that and he's gotten somewhat fluffy O___o;; i don't know, his furr just feels different XP

i asked Kyrsten aboot teh zomg inheritance money thing and she doesn't know when we're getting it, dad is supposed to tell us..i don't think anyone will be fighting over it, apparently $4000 to each grandkid isn't alot with what she had in total, but if they do then i hait everyone o___o;;

but in other news zomg le sister O . o;; she's the one on the top right..if i had to tell you that i strike you down with many sharp things XP

mom actually ordered Japanese food online..::screams with joy:: she said there's this type of Japanese noodle thats good for teh diet and so she got ten things of that, along with squid T______T i haven't had squid in..fucking forever and a day..gods i mish it so much. back when i was little i had to fight over my share of squid with the cats XP but Corey's never had it before so i gives him some XP she even got seaweed wrap too X3 it be good if she got some candy too cuz..that just be sexy..i haven't had any Milkies or botan candy since i was 16 T.T

also i've finally decided on a tattoo i'm most definitely getting..i thought about it two hours ago and figured why the fuck not..i ish gonna get teh Dark Mark on ze left arm....don't fucking look at me like that..i don't even know why i want it..probably from reading HP books 1-3, 5 within the last two months has gotten my brain all geeky and stupids..i'll wait until it subsides and if the urge is still there then its mein...meh i know i'll end up having it XP

me and teh Sammeh-chan were talking aboot piercings and tattoos the other morning too..i definitely know i'm getting a baphomet on my left shoulder blade and a uzumaki somewheres o . o; now aboot piercings..i know i want more cartiladge piercings....just done with a fucking smaller gage, goddamn i can still feel the pain from the 10g needle seven months ago o________o;; but me wants three on each side..the top one stretched to..i don't know maybe 4g or 2g..totally getting that smexy vertical labret ^.^ uhms..well when i was in teh South View i did had urges to get my eyebrows pierced but i don't know if i want them still..meh

yeshes alot to think aboot..mom doesn't want me to have any facial piercings but i'm sure she can get over it XP

Sam sent something new too X< uzumaki plugs and they ish so nummy! i just can't wear them cuz they're too big XD so i'm not even sure if my piercings really are 2g or what o . o; they might of shrunken back to 4g..or maybe inbetween somehow O___o;; but what i'm thinking is that since the plugs are flared a bit it won't go through..so he's sending meh a 2g and 0g taper and i can have fun with those..i did try putting the plug in..all that happened is that one half of the end got in after hearing this wtf popping noise o___o i nearly freaked thinking i tore it or something but there wasn't any blood and its all happy..but still a bit sore XP

mews yeshes..well i'm going back to level ze slacker

later bitches XP

10:50 p.m. - Monday, September 4, 2006


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