
Its Trying To Destroy Meh!

listening to: Black Metal, Venom X<
drinking: i said i wanted hot cocoa dammit!!
watching: nada
thinking: i hait stupid people in the neighborhood o__o

wow last night was actually really cold o . o;; i had to bum a blanket from mom cuz that sleeping bag blanket thing doesn't do crap!!...and i dun't have mein Samu-chan to keep me warm X<

also mom told me something Katrina made. i don't really care about stuff doing with the war and all that retardation, but this made me smile..mostly cuz her drawing is always some kind of weird mix of animeish looking stuff. she's making one for free for her friend Sabrina that lives here, selling one to one of Sabrina's friend, and a whole bunch of army wives that live around Katrina are wigging out and practically throwing money at her for one O__o;;

chalkboard countdown thingy

her friend Sabrina told her to put in the other heart "love will bring you back in time"

i thought it was kinda nifty..she's making more and selling them for $25..that drawing of Ryan is kinda creepeh. i do hope that nothing bad happens to him over there and that he comes back and makes Katrina happy happy again....even if he is a douche XP so anyone who knows people that are over there doing stuff and you want one, i'll tell Katrina and you can have your own nifty board

and yeah..thats aboot it..today has been slow and wtf. the only grand event that happened was making some eggs and cheese and its just now making me feel sick and want to vomit..yay!!!! i keep telling meself: "milk and eggs make the body and mind die" but do i listen..fuck no XP

oy yeah! and some lady across the street keeps coming over here in her pajamas knocking on the door..i would answer the door but she lives in the house where people are always screaming and breaking things O___o;; maybeh next time XP

yay i feel sick X< mom's getting sick though..if she goes to the store i'm gonna beg for some soda..she's the one that always told me fluids make the icky go away...she better not get fucking ginger ale..no mas!! she killed me with a thousand huge two liter bottles of that stuff when i was sick for two weeks cuz of some wtf bacteria..so now when i'm perfectly normal and drink it, i instantly have a high fever..gotta love it

hell beans i feel not good, bath time yay!

i want some hot cocoa dammit

later whores XP

10:27 p.m. - Saturday, October 14, 2006


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