
Gotta Love The Randomness o____O;

listening to: Emerging From Her Weeping, Naglfar X3
drinking: orange soda yay!
watching: nada
thinking: oh i hait teh male population greatly atm

wow its morning and i'm awake O__o; i wanted to sleep just a little bit more but the last time i woke up my head was filled with wtfness that make nein snes!

it was just a bunch of random short dreams all stitched together o__o;; like me and Adrienne had to go to the store for supplies cuz the zombies were taking over and people were going apeshit running around whenever some damn crisis was going on..and then it changed to where i was down in Florida, in fucking Disney World with my family and Adrienne's grandma somehow turned into my grandma, and we were at one of those huge restraunt things and everyone was pissed off cuz we had seats reserved on the second floor and people were hungry o__o;; i ran off and made myself a sammich while everyone yelled at people. they finally got fed up and dragged the grandmas body up the stairs and by the time they got to the seats, no more food was being served..i had just came back from the kitchens with my sammich, i was on a little quest cuz i wanted some lettuce but all they had was paper so i used that instead and i offered to make sammiches for everyone in my family but there was only six slices left and that just angered them more and it caused a riot o______o;;;; and then the dream went back to me and Adrienne trying to find a way to survive the zombies. we came here to tell mom and get her out but she was drunk and on her way to work o . o;; and we kept trying to get her out of the house and into Adrienne's car but she said "oh fuck off i'm two hours late for work i have to go!!" so we let her go but warned her of the zombie consequences and she looked at me and say "goddammit cut this grass!" and i said wtf no the fucking zombies are coming! and the last thing she said to me before leaving was "i don't care just fucking cut the grass before they get here!" and she drunkenly drove around the neighbors house, crashing into the house a few times and then going off down the road o_____O;;

and no it doesn't end there o__o;;

Adrienne had to go to work as well, while i stayed at her house and started to nail boards to windows and all that survival mess and while i was hammering stuff i stopped and dropped the hammer and yelled "omfg i'm pregnant!" o__o;;;; so i started going through the phone book for abortion clinics to find. i don't know why but i was XP i forgot all about the zombies and was focused more on looking for the right damn place, and Adrienne had just came home and a third window appeared on her wall where her Ghost In The Shell wall scroll was supposed to be, and she yelled at me to fix it up wiht boards while she went and fed the Spanish cats...whatever that is o__o; after we finished doing what we were doing, we watched tv and this talk show came up and this lady was wearing no shirt and was being tested to see if she was sexually healthy and all this crap O__o;; and the lady started to cry cuz she was embarrassed that she was sexually healthy or something. and we started to hear people screaming outside..the damn zombies finally fucking came around and were breaking things. and while we sat there listening to Adrienne's neighbors dying the only thing i could really think of was "...goddammit i forgot to cut the grass."

teh and

and well..yeah..thats the last time i eat chicken strip thingies before zleepings o______o;;;; and what really makes me giggle..you know how you wake up and automatically there's a song playing in your head..thats what happened and goddamn Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Around" won't go away XP

me thinks i r gonna stay on till teh Sammeh-chan goes to workings and meh ish gonna take a long hot bath and read until Adrienne comes and get meh XP his brother broke his arm at a party earlier this weekend o_____o i feel really really bad for him >.<; i hope he's okay and the damn doctors get on the ball and fix him up. just hope the hospital he's at is nothing like the one here o___o;; or the fucking doctors arg =.=* if they fuck up on something simple as fixing a broken arm i'm gonna be a angry panda =___= and goddammit..i was verily angry last night while playing ze Metroid, mom was on the phone talking to one of her friends and she was talking about some incident with Kyrsten. apparently some fantastic fuck ass slipped a date rape drug into her drink at a party. she said she didn't know where she was at or anything but she luckily found some good friends and they took her home. i want to break things so bad you don't even fucking know o___o i don't like guys touching my sisters or doing anything like that o__o i fucking hait..grr..i'm stealing my sisters as much as i can to Nyu Jirando to make sure they get away from idioths and snow o__o;

hokies thats teh end of that..just hope nothing else bad happens..i no like worrying o__o;


11:48 a.m. - Monday, November 6, 2006


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