
Yay More Crack For Teh Mind!

listening to: Summoning is stuck in mein head XP
drinking: aboot to make some damn cold juice X<
watching: nada
thinking: honestly..wtf is wrong with my head lately O__o;

why the hell is it so fucking hot here all of a sudden!?!? blah!!!!

anyways XP

i had stupid dreams yet again..i don't know whats wrong with my mind but its on something o . o;

i dreamt that i was a guy again..aboot 15 years old and i lived in a shack with a crazy psychotic abusive daddy and i had a 9 year old sister..and he was eating dinner and decided that he was going to kill teh sister. so i ran outside and knocked on the front door..daddy answered it and i slammed a axe in his face o__o blood went flying everywhere and he started to twitch when he landed on the floor. i took my sister and picked her up and ran away into the woods to get far away XP it was snowing alot too and she started to cry cuz she dropped her doll but i couldn't be bothered to go back and get it. we came to this really small town and we stayed at this one little motel thing for awhile, ate food and asked how far the bigger town was. people were all freaked out on why we wanted to go over there..cuz i guess weird people lived there or something. and they gave us all this money..and the bank people came by and gave us more free money for our trip and yeah...confuzzlement. and cops and stuff were investigating teh death of retard daddy and yeshes O___o;;;

but thats nothing than the other dream i had yesterday!

i dreamt that i was in a voting booth..and i was confuzzled of what i was doing there and who i was gonna vote. and these two tv's were in there playing all those bashing each other commercials, and the people were yelling at me of what i should do..i said fuck it and tried to leave but there was bars all around behind the blue curtains and yesh O__o;;

and another random thing where i was swimming around in the ocean, on a quest to find Sam or something i don't know..and Adrienne popped out of nowhere and started riding on my back like i'm a goddamn Yoshi, and we saw a 1-up floating around ahead of us and the closer we got to it it turned into one of those fat mushrooms from Maplestory and i grabbed it and took the mushroom cap off and placed it on my head and declared myself the winner...and then it changed to me being in Adrienne's room where three porn star ladies were getting naked.......no fucking clue...

love it when the brain goes wtf

well i got a call earlier from the people and they said that Corey has returned X< i still really hope that they spelled everything on the plaque right =.=;;

well..its fucking hot in here so i'm gonna run away to the other end of the house and read..i should of borrowed some manga dammit XP


3:27 p.m. - Thursday, November 9, 2006


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

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