
Fact Of Life: Don't Get Old, You'll End Up Getting Attacked By Stupidity Alot

listening to: The Sexuality of Bereavement, My Dying Bride
drinking: kiwi strawberry juice X<
watching: not paying attention to Passenger 57 XP
thinking: people go crazy when they're old

gah..i haits waking up and feeling groggy for hours on end =.= but indeed i had a wtf dream..and whats a wtf dream without zombies!? nothing..its nothing!!!!

me, teh Adrienne and Sammeh-chan were locked inside this small house watching the tv and it kept saying over and over to stay inside your house, don't let anyone in, don't go out, aim for the head..the usual crap..and well our lights were on..with the door open..don't know why but it was O__o;; and we hid ourselves away from the door so the zombies walking by wouldn't see us...yeshes..i was a bit curious and actually feeling scared in the dream so i peeked out from the curtains in the window..the street was deserted until i saw a shadow shifting slowly into the light...i freaked out and hid in the corner..i think i even made a little squeeking noise as well O___o;; and well..Samu-chan and Adrienne left the dream and other people were in the house instead, freaking out. they all decided it was time to leave and look for a better place to hide...i slowly walked to the door and looked out and saw a dead chick in the yard and her eyes looked up at me and i slammed the door shut...by this time a whole group of the zombie bastards were coming to the front of the door. so we ran out the back and..things zoomed by i don't know..the dream basically skipped from the house to getting to this little harbor place and trying to get into a boat that works and is zombie-free XP i was teamed up with the guy, while two other chicks were freaking out..yet again. and we were trying to look for a decent boat when the two chicks found a canoe and got inside and started to go ahead without us and started to laugh at us that we were gonna get stranded and that they were going to survive..blah blah blah....thats what they thought until a underwater zombie tipped them over and ate them lol it was kinda interesting trying to hear the screaming under there..all we could really hear was bubble bubble glarble bubble glarble bubble silencio..yeshes..we were looking around for boats yet again and came across this zombie holding a canoe on his head..he looked very lost like he didn't know what he was supposed to be doing o___o

and i woke up XP

it felt like it all really happened too o__o so me being me looked outside and everything looked normal so i fell out of bed and stumbled into mom's room XP heh she was watching Queen of the Damned..i remember a long time ago when that movie was actually really cool..and now its just there o__o; i'm starting to really not like vampire movies at all..and that makes me sad cuz me heart them alot! there is only two vampire movies that i like forever and thats Bram Stoker's Dracula and Interview With The Vampire...i like them both for different reasons. it both has good story, even though they both left out a bit of stuff like fucking always! that and Kirsten Dunst wins..along with Gary Oldman..hehehhe he's so silly, i wanna poke him in the face X<

in other news..grandpa is now a major douche. i r thinking i'm never going to speak with him for a very long time o__o the other night i decided to write back explaining more of why i'm leaving and he basically gets angry all over again, bashing on Sam, bashing on my choice, he even threw in some random crap about how its my sisters fault that my aunt kathleen is a bitch o___o i don't get him!! he makes no sense!! he really is married to god and this damn country o________o cuz all in big caps he said to me "there is no other better place to live then usa" heh yeah fucking right >.>; and the reason why he got angry about my email address, mooninitesama..is cuz he thinks i'm in this cult thing with that guy Rev. Moon...i didn't even know who the fuck he is until he told me this...Sammeh looked it up and he's some crazy anti-americun uber jesus lover boy that my mom says is dead o____o;;; if anyone is smart..they know that fucking mooninite comes from Aqua Teen Hunger Force..and sama..well fuck he should know what that is..he married a crazy Japanese lady after all..i mean damn..i know your old but it be great to actually think instead of wigging out o________o;;; i don't get it at all noes XP so yeah..basically i'm just going to cut the communication cord and say fuck off sir...and yet he still sends me those random emails, chain letters and all this learnding stuff about how great god, americuh, and bush is o___o i mean just today when i checked my omfg mooninitesama email, he sent me this one email..and it all said different little sentences "if your a true americun then blah blah blah" it went from saying:

"if your a true americun then you wouldn't get offended by the words 'one nation under gawd'"

okay yeah..point being sir?

"if your a true americun then you would give your friend your last dollar"

...........what the fuck does that have to do with being a "true americun??" people do that all over the fucking place!! it has nothing to do with this country..it matters if you have sympathy and goodness and all that crap..oy fucking vey!! it just really gets to me how crazy his mind is o__o i just wished he'd stop =.=;; him sending these things is making me have less respect for this shithole >.>;

other than that wtfness happening my 12g earring i put in teh cartiladge piercing decided after 10 months it wanted to fall out XP i'm a bit angry at this, mostly cuz Sammeh-chan put that ring in X< but it'll be okay XP i think once we get my sisters stuff together, i might get a new 12g earring XP and maybeh a 10g taper ^.^;; i'm just really wanting to get that hole stretched..dammit! i wonder what it'll feel like stretching cartiladge o . o;; yay fun!

meows i'm off to go read meh some fanfic and probably do some more painting heheheh X<

laters you dirty whores

7:01 p.m. - Friday, November 17, 2006


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