
Sex And Forks..You Know That Makes Sense

listening to: nada
drinking: nada
watching: nada
thinking: ...nada?

meow meow cat chow..indeed!!

i don't know i'm really bored right now and i haven't really posted anything so meh XP damn turkey crap is over with finally! no more left overs either XP the dinner was alright and surprisingly mom cooked half of the stuff..hell she's been doing the dishes and stuff..its starting to freak me out o___o;; but i shouldn't complain XP

my sleep is all stupid..i've been trying to stay up for 24 hours and get back to going to sleep at 4:00am but i've been failing fantastically with that. yesterday i passed out at 2:30pm and yeah XP but today! i'm going to be up all day cleaning for teh sister in Alaska is going to be here on December 6th so..things need to be all shiny looking..gonna need alot of music for motivation XP i think i'm gonna clean the room again and this time i'm gonna go through mein closet o__o; thats gonna be fun..finding boxes of old family pics of me looking like a rabid kid beating up on random people..oy..that and i wanna know what the hell happened to my old Nintendo Power magazines dammit!! i used to have a whole bunch of them and one day when we moved in here they all went..somewhere i don't know...if someone threw them out i'll kill them O__o;

uhm..anything else interesting...dreams..yeah dreams o___o;; i keep having damn dreams about sex!! its making my head go wtf o_______o;; there was one last week where it was just random people having orgies and it kept switching from real life to anime and just back and forth constantly..it makes no sense sir!! and the other night..day..whatever there was one where i lived in a brothel like place, not a icky one. one that was really expensive and happy and people were coming in to shoot many porn scenes..and i was gonna go in one hidden room to watch through a hole in the wall (...O__o;) but i ended up going into a random bedroom that Sammeh-chan was sitting in front of a computer trying to IM me and i scared him by tapping him on the shoulder and asked if he wanted to go for a walk in the garden cuz they had the water fountains on.....yeah.

there was also another weird non-sex dream i had where i was in school and had to go to the bathroom..once i got in there it was like some huge locker room type place with many toilets..but no stalls seperating them. and the bathroom/lockeroom quickly reminded me of a generic Wolfenstein 3-D room and i hid in the corner too scared to go to the bathroom for fear of nazi's running around

...i'm not stupid!

uhm..anything else? oh yeah..for the first time ever, to my knowledge, i have accomplished stabbing myself in the toe with a fork. about two nights ago mom was driving me insane with constantly getting up doing random things for her, this time it was getting her a piece of some crazy cake thing she made called Sex In A Pan (..goddamn sex everywhere =.=) and Razz was pissing me off by following me wherever i go in hopes of carrying turkey >.>; and i took a fork out and it slipped from my hand and fell straight down on teh toe. i don't think it would of been so painful if it didn't hit the bone..i wanted to scream really loud, indeed. i wanted to cuss and scream skywards for about a good minute cuz sometimes pain just sucks, especially in a awkward place.

but i didn't get to do that cuz mom hates my angry mouth words and thinks its useless, plus it would of made Razz go even more crazy. so instead i clenched my teeth and made a awkard squeeking noise along with some gurgling bits and collapsed "quietly" against the counter with my head halfway into the sink, reached down took the fork out and threw it against the wall.

i now have four holes on my big toe which are healing pretty good at least XP

and thats just about it..hell beans i'm bored o___o; guess i should go do some random gaia stuff and/or Animal Crossing XP i don't wanna clean anything up till around 1:00 or 2:00 so as to keep me awake longer..if that makes sense..i don't know..shut up. i miss MapleStory.

::flees away drunkenly::

12:15 p.m. - Tuesday, November 28, 2006


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