
Meow O____o;;

listening to: nada
drinking: mango tea stuff o . o;
watching: nada
thinking: tempted to poke another hole in the ear..XD

well i failed once again to stay up all day but i did take a nap this morning! so hopefully that makes things good, no idea i'm getting zleepy XP

not much of anything interesting going on although i did have awkward dreams! yeah..you know you love them..

yesterday was of course a small zombie one, me and Sammeh were stuck inside a room and outside a horde of zombies were shuffling aboot. Sammeh was half dead and had teh zombie pox and i sat away in the corner watching him die. and eventually he did and came back all crazy and well..dead. i on the other hand was healthy! but since i was stuck in the room with a Sammeh-zombie and a group of them hanging out in the hallway, i was fucked. so i did the best thing ever. i took out a gun and shot myself in the head...O___o;;

thats the very first dream that i ever did that o . o;;; but this one from the morning was way more crack induced o_______o;;;

it started out as Animal Crossing..i'm not exactly sure what was going on but it kinda made things go wtf. i think the animals were at war or something and were trying to invade each others house..or something..but anyways! the main bit was at Adrienne's house..it was more of a two story cabin O__o;; and she was freaking out cuz she found some random site that said if she submitted 10 pictures from her mom's digital camera she can get $30,000 so she was running around with the camera taking random pictures o . o; and uhm..the next day she was having a huge family reunion and so we had to make things good..it was also Anthony's birthday and during the night he came inside the room..naked and with the T.T face cuz he was trying to sleep outside on the porch but it was too hot..and randomly Adrienne's dad came up behind him and started to tie multiple towels around his head and body.....i don't fucking know......but yeah..day came! and random family people were invading the house and me and Adrienne were getting pissed off cuz we couldn't wrap Anthony's birthday presents up right o_o;; and suddenly we were outside on the beach! and her family members were dancing in a line and this one kid..he kept smiling at me verily creepy like and kept flicking me off. i tried asking him what the hell his problem was but his older brother said he didn't speak english. which was weird cuz neither did the older brother and yet i understood him. the language they spoke was a mixture of Spanish and Japanese so all i heard was "Yo no baka y baka" O__________o;;;;;

next i was all alone walking in the woods and just minding my own business..and on the left side i saw all these fishing poles tied down to the ground and fish were dangling from the ends and i saw this huge bass and this old redneck guy came out and i told him "wow thats a cool looking fish" and i guess this was some kind of threat and him and his brother that popped out of nowhere started yelling "how dare you call my fish queer!" and i ran away and hid in some persons yard behind the fence which weirdly turned out to be my old backyard o___o;;

and then i was back inside Adrienne's..cabin O__o; and was watching her play some fucked up game of ddr and Guitar Hero mixed (thats right woman you were doing both at the same time omfg!) and the tv screen was having seizures..too many damn flashing arrows indeed o___o;; and then that damn kid was laying in the same bed i was in and grinned stupidly all the while flicking me off..the last thing i remembered was screaming "goddammit i'm going to kill your cousin"

teh and

honestly..my head hurts from all that still o_______o;;;;

only other thing interesting was that the damn 14g ring fell out o__o;; well i found the ring but one of the little spike ends went missing..pissed me the hell off cuz i'm tired of losing stuff @__@ luckily teh Sammeh-chan is sending me a 12g taper, i've lost plenty of o rings but i've still got all mein tapers XP but yeah..the ring came out like two nights ago or something and i decided to put the ring back in, just to make sure everything was okay..and it wasn't of course! one hole and already healed up and it made me semi-angry XP i got up close the mirror and had to keep stabbing myself for a good five minutes and the fucker still wouldn't go through all the way! the skin had stretched out and you can just barely make out the bit of the ring..annoying! got fed up with that, cleaned a safety pin and stuck it through XP

and its still there being good even after zleeping. at least i know this won't fucking fall out =.=;; i was a bit surprised there was alot of blood by just poking one bit of the skin but oh wells XP its clean and good and i'm happy...i still want another piercing dammit X< i did notice that after i did that that mom was on the computer so i took the chance and i showed her..she yelled and flinched and freaked out. i still find it hilarious that she's scared of stuff like that. made me happy XD

hokay i r bored. i'm fucking off now XP

4:36 p.m. - Wednesday, November 29, 2006


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