

arg..got KoRn on the mind...

well i at least feel better now..i've been awake for over 24 hours..i kinda didn't go back to sleep..was too sad to even sleep the emotions off. but after a little while i started feelings better. i guess i found a way to get better. earlier 'bout six i started having these nasty pains in my chest and then i realized that maybe the reason why i'm so miserable all the time is that i'm in real bad health. so now i'm gonna start sleeping on regular schedule and get on a diet. i'm sure that would help out alot for me, so no more cooking yummies for a long while.

i ended up playing Metroid for a long time..from 10:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. and then i started to draw and paint while listening to my CD's. it was alot of fun. Michael came back again to hang out for the weekend. apparently people in schools are having a four day weekend..maybe five..no idea. so me, Brian, Tommy, Michael, and Alex stayed up all night listening to my music, them mostly playing Magic and some Star Wars PC game. i made three uzuamkimayou pics (purple and black for Adrienne, pink and black for the momma, and blue and black for Michael) i also drew another pic for Michael, a wigged out looking shroom surrounded by flames and at the bottom saying, RESPECT YOUR SHROOMS BITCHES!!

the momma and Timmy stole the GameCube and played in the back room, her always coming out every now and then to tell us to shutup.

now everyone is asleep except me and Brian. i'm supposed to wake the guys up at six so they can go outside and run around earlier then usual..oh well that just means that i can have alone time and listen to my music without disruptions!....that and probably draw again too...i miss drawing...mostly pottery goddammit....

err..Brian's watching my Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust movie...its at the part where Meir Link and Charlotte are in the space rocket thingy and Leila is like "COME ON!!! MAKE IT!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!"...blah blah blah....its kinda sad..makes me wanna cry again....MUZZER FUCKER NEIN!!!!!!!!!!!

arg...my head is insanely itchy..think i'm gonna go and wash my head out for a while, let Brian finish the rest of the movie. i knew i should of gone to sleep earlier tonight, looks like i'm gonna be awake for another 24 hours...oh well..just as long as i'm occupied with something to do i'll be fine. laters.

5:06 a.m. - Saturday, March 12, 2005


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