
I Wish The Noises Would Stop

listening to: the fridge make happy seizures
drinking: soda
watching: Down Periscope

i have been awake for over 24 hours......goddammit i'm a zombie again...

it was mostly Cartoon Networks fault and my Vampire Hunter D book. stayed up watching Toonami and Adult Swim whilst reading..its so good..can't stop looking at precious...

Timmy got his ass handed to him on a silver platter though. he got caught skipping church. usually i wouldn't really give a good goddamn but since me and Brian were the only ones awake, and Reynolds came over at 8:00 to get him we just decided to wake him up. so he gets ready and the two leave. then later the creepy church bus driver guy knocks at the door to get Timmy. we tell him he's waiting over at Reynolds and of course creepy guy was already there and they were not found. we figured they were hiding out in the woods..too bad they got caught cuz they really almost got away with it. i had the door wide open to see if they'd be stupid enough to come back this way. and while i was taking a break from the book and was watching Mona Lisa Smile, i decided to say fuck it all and just close the door. right when i stood up i saw Timmy run across the street with Reynolds not only just standing there looking retarded but also screams TIMMY!!! Brian runs them down and here comes crying Timmy. he was stuck in his room until the momma woke up and yeah..he's in deep shit. and the funny thing is, he knows he's grounded and yet he keeps asking to get something to eat or play the GameCube, anything to get out from being in his room..i think this is hilarious..sorry kid, but shit happens! if you want to get away with something, you have to do it right!

yesh...4:19 in the afternoon...awake for 25 hours and 19 minutes...my fuses are very very short...and i'm bored as hell. so i'm going to do this thing that my buddy, muddyirene, did on her latest entry cuz its there and i'm going to waste my time! SO ON WITH THE WASTING!!!! except i kinda did it a wee bit different...

(X=once, O=muliple times)

(O) smoked a cigarette
(X) smoked a cigar
(O) madeout with a member of the same sex
(O) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(O) had sex
(O) had a boyfriend/girlfriend
( ) crashed a friend's car
( ) stolen a car
(O) been in love
(O) been dumped
(O) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(O) been in a fist fight
(O) snuck out of my parent's house
(X) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
( ) been arrested
(X) made out with a stranger.
(X) gone on a blind date
(X) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
(O) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
(X) seen someone die
( ) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico
(O) been on a plane
( ) thrown up in a bar
(O) purposely set a part of myself on fire
(O) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
(X) been moshing at a concert
(O) been in an abusive relationship
(O) taken painkillers
(O) love someone or miss someone right now
(O) laid on your back and watched clouds go by
(X) made a snow angel
( ) had a tea party
(X) flown a kite
( ) built a sand castle
(O) gone puddle jumping
(O) played dress up
(X) jumped into a pile of leaves
(X) gone sledding
(X) cheated while playing a game.
(O) been lonely
(O) fallen asleep at work/school
( ) used a fake id
(O) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
(O) touched a snake
(O) slept beneath the stars
(O) been tickled
( ) been robbed
(O) been misunderstood
(O) petted a reindeer/goat
( ) won a contest
( ) ran a red light
( ) been suspended from school
( ) been in a car accident.
( ) had braces
(O) felt like an outcast
(X) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(O) had deja vu
(O) danced in the moonlight
(O) hated the way you look
(X) witnessed a crime
( ) pole danced
(O) questioned your heart
( ) been obsessed with post-it notes
(O) squished barefoot through the mud
(O) been lost
(X) been to the opposite side of the country
(X) swam in the ocean
(O) felt like dying
(O) cried yourself to sleep
( ) played cops and robbers
(X) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
( ) sung karaoke
(O) paid for a meal with only coins
(O) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(O) made prank phone calls
(X) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) caught a snowflake on your tongue
(O) danced in the rain
( ) written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) been kissed under a mistletoe
(X) watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(O) blown bubbles
( ) made a bonfire on the beach
( ) crashed a party
( ) gone rollerskating
(X) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey
( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
(O) screamed penis in class
(X) ate dog/cat food
( ) told a complete stranger you loved them
( ) kissed a mirror
(O) sang in the shower
(X) had a little black dress
( ) had a dream that you married someone
(O) glued your hand to something
( ) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
( ) kissed a fish
(O) worn the opposite sexes clothes
( ) been a cheerleader
(O) sat on a roof top
(O) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) done a one-handed cartwheel
(O) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(O) stayed up all night
(O) didn�t take a shower for a week
(O) pick and ate an apple right off the tree
(O) climbed a tree
( ) had a tree house
( ) are scared to watch scary movies alone
(O) believe in ghosts
( ) have more then 30 pairs of shoes
(X) worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
( ) gone streaking
(O) played ding-dong-ditch
( ) played chicken
(X) pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(X) been told you're hot by a complete stranger
( ) broken a bone
(O) been easily amused
( ) caught a fish then ate it
( ) made porn
(X) caught a butterfly
(O) laughed so hard you cried
(O) cried so hard you laughed
( ) mooned/flashed someone
(X) had someone moon/flash you
(O) cheated on a test
( ) have a Britney Spears CD
(O) forgotten someone's name
(O) slept naked
(O) French braided someone's hair
(X) gone skinny dipping
(O) been threatened to be kicked out of your house
(O) been kicked out your house


A-Age You Got Your First Kiss: 15
B-Best Friends: Adrienne, Krystal, Cat., Amy, Chris, etc.
C-Crush: i'm not saying a damn word....
D-Dad's Name: Bryan
E-Easiest Person(s) To Talk To: Brian?..Circus Midget?...Mr. Tenchu!!!?
F-Favorite Drink: uuuhhh water? but only if its nice and cold
G-Gummy Worms or Gummy Bears: nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess i'll go eat worms..
H-Hometown: Fayetteville..goddammed shitty town
I-Instruments: vocals
J-Junior High: Anne Chestnutt Middle..hate...
K-Kids:....dammit i can see it now...
(Future Kid: Mommy!! you know i love you!! but you need to get control
of your life!!
Me:...who are you?)
L-Lucky Number: 666 there's a fucking reason behind that!!!
M-Mom's Name: Mary
N-Name: Brooke
O-One Wish:...goddammit! one fucking wish!!?? ugh..woah wait i already wasted it!! LOL GODDAMMIT!!!
P-Phobia(s): crazy guys with abnormal hats, Christians taking over like its fucking Big Brother
Q-Quotes: It Is Hell For Those You Despise And A Worse Hell For Those You Desire
R-Reason To Smile: no...to hell with smiles!
S-Song You Sang Last: B.Y.O.B., System of a Down
T-Time You Woke Up: 2:58 p.m. yesterday
U-Unknown Fact About Me: its not unknown but it sure is hell a fact..i'm not happy in this house..
V-Vegetable You Hate: eggplant, squash, mushrooms..i hate you to no end
W-Worst Habits: uuuhhh....no comment....
X-X-Rays You've Had: MY BROKEN HEAD!! ha! but seriously none
Y-Yummy Food: Japanese food!! especially the candy!.......mmmmmm Pocky....
Z-Zodiac Sign: Leo..in other words...I COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY PWN3D YOU ALL!!

that includes my wasting time...fuck i want a life...

and also the reason behind my lucky number being 666..people would think its all about the joys of satan but its not entirely that..it has to do with the number of letters in each of my names. you know..three names..each have the amount of six letters..therefore it being 666...yeah..if anyone really needed that explained....i no like you.

good night!

4:19 p.m. - Sunday, June 12, 2005


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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