

listening to: Cryptopsy XD
drinking: water
watching: nada

oy..damn..yeah! i've been awake since fucking eleven this morning and still damn groggy =__= i've been hurting all damn night..fucking stupid pains, you know those kinda pains..the pains that make me a woman!!!!! @[email protected] yeah i promise i'll never say that again -.-;

::sigh:: i miss my sexy Sam-chan so much >_< poor baby is sick..wanna hold him and take care of him dammit!

blah..ever since yesterday i've had the most fucked up dreams..lets see..

SUNDAY: the first one was about me and Kyrstal on some boat in Africa..and these two guys were dead..at least we thought they were dead so me, Krystal and some other guys pushed the bodies off the boat and in the water, they were being attacked by small light pinkish colored crabs..suddenly the two guys wake up, somehow they're clothes disappear and they run away (yes they ran away on teh water x__X) and this huge stampede of black crabs were running after them cuz they wanted chop off they're happy place @_@

the second one was about Metroid! (yay! ^_^) and i got to be Samus Aran! (woo! XD) and i was in this huge fucking area in Dark Aether and on the walls were giant big screen tv's and the alien boss was inside the tv and i had to kill the right one (....wtfx! x___X)

SOMETIME IN THE MORNING TODAY: the first one was a nightmare >_< me and Sam-chan were in my room doing stuff (no not that kind of stuff..damn no fair..), he got up to leave for the store and i layed down in the bed with the window open, i remember looking outside and my mom's car was gone, instead some beat up old white truck was sitting there..i heard two guys talking but i ended up falling asleep..next thing i know i'm being choked to death (yay happy -.-;) also i remembered Amon Amarth "A Fury Divine" playing x_X

the second one..yeah..wtfx..i was in the backyard of the house i grew up in and i saw Brian's little brother Timmy and his friend Reynolds playing in the neighbor's yard..Reynold's gave me the toy and i was like ".....okay....." so i go inside and Anthony, Adrienne and Sam-chan are sitting in the living room..i gave Anthony the toy and suddenly it broke and Anthony cried lol it was funny it was all anime-ish looking with the little tear arcs running down his face XD i went into the kitchen to find something to eat..got happy cuz i found some pop tarts..and Sam-chan comes up behind me and starts poking me on the ass -.-; ::sigh:: he's such a damn cutey..

and i just remembered there was a third one too..i was in the same place as the second one..but it was nighttime and i was running around in my backyard being happy cuz of the peach tree's pink petals dancing in the wind, everything was so damn pretty ^^..and then i came across a new species..i freaked out, ran inside and screamed at everyone to come outside...everybody stood there was they're jaws dropped open..it was a cross between a sheep and a fucking frog x__X and we started chasing it, trying to catch it with buckets of water >_>;

yay i'm crazy!!!! XD

anyways...i've been thinking so much about Sam-chan..i miss him so much. i don't like him being sick >_< and i'm just getting over my sickness too..hopefully he's not still sick when he's here but if he is then oh well..i'll just keep him in bed and take care of him ^^ snuggle up close to him, run showers for him XD, give him massages, cook him hot pockets XD and just love up on him ^^ hopefully that will make him better ^^

blah..things between me and mom have gotten worse...just last night..hell beans, i'm getting to the point where i'm wishing for her death again >_>; i know thats not good but goddammit!!! i'm tired of being yelled at for no fucking reason. everything i do isn't good enough for her at all >_<

::harsh sigh::

Sam-chan plz kidnap me!!!!

well i better get going and start cleaning up some around here..i'm sure it won't please her anyways..i don't fucking care about what she thinks. i'm cleaning for another better purpose. cuz my Sam-chan is gonna be here in about two weeks!! XD with him here things will get better and if stuff gets too aggrivating, i'll just grab his hand and we'll go for a walk...in the woods...in the rain...lalalalalalalalalalaaaa!!! XD

later bitches!


3:36 p.m. - Monday, October 24, 2005


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