
Yay Flaming Earlobes!!

listening to: mom bitching at stupid people on tv
drinking: nada XP
watching: ignoring the stupid people on Lost
thinking: being in a tub full of cold water sounds really good right aboot now

fucking literally o_______o

yesterday afternoon..since sleep did not exist until around 2:00pm..i got fed up with the damn 0g taper in teh right ear and i took it out, washed it with water and cleaned out the ear a bit with a wet cuetip and the bastard finally slid in all the way

and ever since both of them has felt like they ish on fire......gods i love pain o . o but its worth it in this case XP

i woke up right when mom left and i blared nummy new Megumi songs i gots X< and gave Corey a bath..man i swear..something always fucked up ends up happening to him and now i think he's got kidney stones or something cuz i keep finding large amounts of blood everywhere and its coming from..that end of him and he's soaked in his own piss and blood and its just..goddamn what the fuck o___o although he's alot better than yesterday so hopefully its going away o___o

mom came home and apparently her ex, Galen, never showed up..i'm not surprised he's always like that XP and they didn't get to go to Sakura cuz people were having a private party so boo!!!!! boo to them cuz i don't get no sushi T___T so instead they went to MiCasitas..its not the best stuff but its somewhat nummy. i got some wtf pizza thingy..gods i'm so sick of pizza @__@ she ordered pizza two days in a row..fucking driving me crazy and its been giving me a sore throat too O____o;;

but the really good thing happened this morning when i finished reading HP5 X< fucking ups man came banging on the door and actually yelled too O___o which is kinda good kinda bad..most of the people who leave packages don't do anything and just leave the little note thing behind...or do what they did to mom's new zomg super happy comfy memory mattress..it was back when it was raining like fucking crazy..mom had gone out to get the mail..and i think the store i forget..but she came back soaking wet and wigging out cuz the rain was coming down and she said the people left the huge package down on the ground, beside the porch and its like......fucking idiots and it was kinda soaked and she said a bug was crawling around inside O__o;;

but yeah...anyways!

Japanese food came in today X< and meows...i want some @__@ she got the nummy rice sprinkles thingy that i used to eat and devour as a wtf child..about 50 sheets of seaweed wrap, some kind of pickled radish thing that i've never had before but something mom ate a long time ago and said is really stinky and she used to breathe all over my grandpa after eating O___o;; and two bags of goddamn nummy squid..i want now @__@ the other package mom said to not open yet and its refrigerating

hokay goddamn..me thinks i'll be drowning in extremely cold water cuz ze ears are really really hot..can't wait for it to be over =.=

later whores

2:20 a.m. - Wednesday, September 13, 2006


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