
And 13 Hours Later....

listening to: No Remorse, Metallica
drinking: Water
watching: Inside Man
thinking: Things will get better, they usually do.

Ehh..yeah. The rant earlier this morning did me some good after all. I talked to Sam on the phone and he understood how I was feeling cuz he's basically been the same way. I suppose knowing my chan had the same retarded thoughts and feelings makes me feel better lol

After we got off I went online and looked through all of the Food Lions that are hiring around town. None near me are of course. There's only two that I can think of that are close by. I think there's another one but I'm not too sure. Some of stores I had no idea where they were at. I lived here all my life but I've never heard of a Anderson St. O__o; Ehh oh well..maybe after a month or two, things will be opening up more.

If I'm gonna get a job, I only wanna work in a grocery store. I just feel more comfortable doing stocking and cleaning. Boring, tedious work yes, but probably a good way for me to get settled doing this 'job' thing. The one thing I'm afraid of not being able to do that is, on the description of that position I have to be able to lift up to 70lbs..which I think I can do I'm not sure, but I also have to be able to push or pull 2000lbs. Heheh yeah o_________o;;; I really hope that was a type-o and they meant 200lbs. T.T;

I refuse to work in fast food or restaurant type places. I've seen the shit my sisters went through and I have zero patience of cooking other peoples food while they bitch and moan about me being slow >__> If they want the fucking food so bad, they can get back there and make it themselves, I'm sorry XP

I can't really do much until mom's car is legal though so hopefully it doesn't take more than two months >.>

Eh..me thinks thats enough rambling on about damn money, jobs and the like.

In other news, Katrina was here on vacation from the beginning of June and left just yesterday to California to visit Kyrsten and grandma Akiko. It was nice to have her around again. I just hope Ryan is doing alright. I talked to mom about him last night and she told me that right now he's in the green zone, cooking. He doesn't want to cook but wants to be out there doing stuff. Katrina told us that one soldier in his unit developed mental problems and had to be sent home cuz he started going nuts one day. I really wish this was over with, we're all worried about him. His rank at the moment is Specialist..or whatever it was mom said.

He'll be home in..five months I think? Sometime before the year is over with. The both of them want to live in Alaska a while longer and then move back over here in Fort Bragg so mom won't be lonely (I better be gone dammit =.=) He's decided he wants to be a Ranger, the Black Berets and grow his hair long, do crazy, dangerous shit and get paid good lol I'm happy that my sister is being taken care of.

As of now I can't stop listening to Metallica. A few weeks ago when I stayed the night at Adrienne's house, I couldn't sleep so I turned on the metal music choice channel thing and Sanitarium came on. That night was the first time I listened to Metallica in maybe four or five years. That song was stuck in my head for fucking days. And then I met a cool chick on gaiaonline.com and she had the damn music video for it on her profile. So I bugged Sam to download Kill 'Em All album, Ride The Lightning album and Master of Puppets album.

I feel content now. Listening to Metallica reminds me of simpler days. Well..okay..maybe not exactly simpler. Me and the sisters were screaming ourselves hoarse at each other every single day over the stupidest crap, mom thought I was in some gang and exclaimed how she and the sisters locked their doors at night in fear of me killing them, the people at the school I attended at that time showed me a whole new level of idiocy, and I had a pathetic boyfriend that wouldn't even bother to come visit me.

Well..at least I got to shut myself in my room and blare my music and had my cats, Fuzzbeau and Corey to keep me company o___o;;

Le sigh..compare those times to now, I definitely prefer now. I may of had alot of friends back then, with Fuzzbeau and Corey being alive, I like the company I have now. I like getting along with my sisters and laughing with mom. They did more for me than anyone else in this family and I still kick myself in the head for treating them like shit but..we all have to learn the hard way sometimes. And yes, I still say if I didn't have Sam in my life I'd probably do something stupid..I mean really stupid O__o; Stupid like staying with Brian and his family and moving away with them like they wanted to. ::shudders::

You know I found Brian on myspace a long time ago? Looking at him and remembering everything about him..I still wanted to know what in the fucking fuck possessed me to ever date him. About a few minutes after I showed Adrienne that, she sent me his mom's myspace. Goddamn creepy I tell you. Apparently they live in Virginia now..but thats enough about them.

I've decided to delete certain entries that don't need to be known ever again. Its for the best me thinks.

So I shall take my leave and get rid of some in a few minutes.

And before I leave, is anyone enjoying the new Harry Potter book lol My mom went nuts and decided to order it. She finished it in 12 hours and cried alot. I'm reading all of the books and I'm not touching Book 7 until I'm done. I'm currently in the middle of Chamber of Secrets. Mom said that out of the two people that die in the end, she got one right lol Mom is silly. Fuck I hope its not Snape or Draco >.< If its one of them, I'm gonna be a sad panda. I enjoy reading Draco/Harry slashy goodness fics, and if either one of them dies, it'll ruin it lol

Yes..I shall flee now and edit this sad, random little diary.

3:56 p.m. - Wednesday, July 25, 2007


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My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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